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Thread: Super Zoom or Bridge Cameras Vs DSLR's

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  1. #1
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    Super Zoom or Bridge Cameras Vs DSLR's

    Does anyone have a Superzoom or Bridge camera? Are you happy with the quality of your images and the functions?

    It's time to get a new camera, my latest Fujifilm digital compact is great for quick snap shots and can easily be stowed in my shirt or trouser pocket, but it doesn't take anything like the same quality of photo as my trusty 21 year old Canon semi pro SLR and various lenses.

    However, it's time to move my SLR into the digital age. Bottom end DSLR's start at around £350/£400 for basic Nikon's, Sony's and Canon's but a 200 or 300mm zoom lens is going to cost another £200 on top.

    I've been looking at the latest superzoom offerings from Panasonic, Fuji, Canon..etc and for around £250 - £300 you can pick up a camera with circa 24mm - 700mm or even 800mm zoom, plus all the features and editing functions you'd expect on a more expensive DSLR.

    I appreciate a superzoom is never going to give the same precision or sharpness as a DSLR, but the overall package, DSLR type functions, price, less kit to carry around and styling do look like an attractive proposition.

    I've got no intentions of becoming a pro photographer, I just want something that will give me decent quality snapshots of my kids and holidays.

    The Fuji HS10 EXR was £450 when it was launched in March 2010, it's now £220 on Amazon, and does look like very good VFM

    Any thoughts?
    Last edited by Englishman2010; 23rd May 2011 at 21:42. Reason: mistype

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I use the Canon 550D Great cam, and plenty of 3rd party lens you can buy to save money.
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
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    I did have a look at a Canon 550D in Jessops at the weekend, it's probably the camera I would buy if I went along the DSLR route, but a package with a case, mem card and 200mm lens is still nearly £600

  4. #4
    Respected Member alanp's Avatar
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    i have a nikon coolpix p80 its a good camerax18 zoom 10.1 mp it takes good photo's. i did see a Fuji HS20 16MP Bridge Camera 30X Manual Zoom, HD Video Capture it looked great and it took hd vids as well cost was about £440 so quite expensive
    the last time i went to phils i bought a little fuji z33 it only cost £100 and its waterproof to 3mtrs i got some great underwater shots with it and small enought to keep in my pocket.
    As life is to live so love is to give

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by alanp View Post
    i have a nikon coolpix p80 its a good camerax18 zoom 10.1 mp it takes good photo's. i did see a Fuji HS20 16MP Bridge Camera 30X Manual Zoom, HD Video Capture it looked great and it took hd vids as well cost was about £440 so quite expensive
    the last time i went to phils i bought a little fuji z33 it only cost £100 and its waterproof to 3mtrs i got some great underwater shots with it and small enought to keep in my pocket.
    The HS20 is the newer version of the HS10, hence the HS10 can now be picked up for £220. It does look a bargain and for that money I don't care if I only keep it for a year and move up to a DSLR next year. I'd really love to keep using my old 35mm film Canon SLR, but it is quite antiquated now and it's a pain not being able to see images immediately.

  6. #6
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I went through a few bridge cameras then a Canon is-s5 before I finally purchased a DSL-R.
    I wasted rather a lot of money which didn't end there because I then purchased a Nikon D60 sold that got a D90 sold that now happy with the D7000.

    I went to the 2009 Singapore F1 and then sailing around the British Virgin Islands and over that period of 3 weeks took somewhere in the region of 4000 photos and very quickly identified the D60's weaknesses.
    Anyway my humble advice is to seriously think about a decent mid range SLR but it will always be down to where you think you'll use it and how much.
    If I had just gone straight to mid range would have saved some pound notes.

    Hope this helps.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    I went through a few bridge cameras then a Canon is-s5 before I finally purchased a DSL-R.
    I wasted rather a lot of money which didn't end there because I then purchased a Nikon D60 sold that got a D90 sold that now happy with the D7000.

    I went to the 2009 Singapore F1 and then sailing around the British Virgin Islands and over that period of 3 weeks took somewhere in the region of 4000 photos and very quickly identified the D60's weaknesses.
    Anyway my humble advice is to seriously think about a decent mid range SLR but it will always be down to where you think you'll use it and how much.
    If I had just gone straight to mid range would have saved some pound notes.

    Hope this helps.
    Useful advice Tone, makes sense too Just not sure I really want to shell out £500/£600 plus another £300 or so for lenses yet

    BTW, I was at the 2009 Singtel F1 too, it's where I encountered my first Filipina and so began my interest in the Phil's. I got the 3 day tickets through a mate who worked for Shell

  8. #8
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Useful advice Tone, makes sense too Just not sure I really want to shell out £500/£600 plus another £300 or so for lenses yet
    Why would you need to shell out a load more than £600+£300 for lenses.
    What are you keen on actually photographing (or maybe I shouldnt ask ) usually the kit lens is good enough for most activities, however the D90 comes with a reasonable 18-105mm which I use a lot, but for portraits I have a 50mm Nikon F1.8 prime lens which is amazing for those static shots of the Fiancee! I have a small gallery of great portraits!

    The D90 is a very capable mid range camera and I couldnt recommend it enough tbh.


  9. #9
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I'd go for a basic D90 as a good mid range camera.. Have a look at this web site very good for locating the best price.

    Two tips
    Rear screen resolution - try and get over 900k pixels - makes reviewing pics SO much better and easier.
    Sensor - when taking low light shots (without flash) you raise the ISO on the bridge/entry DSLRs you will introduce a lot of "noise" in the picture - so Mid Range cameras are able to go into the 000's before you get a bad nigh shot.


  10. #10
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    I use a Panasonic Lumix FZ38 superzoom. Im really happy with it,it doesnt give the results of a DSLR but it gives consistently good results in auto mode with not much thought required from me bar the framing
    They can be picked up now second hand for around 200 pounds

  11. #11
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we brought a nikon d5000 and we are so happy with it still finding new things on it but this should last us a very long time, brought it through the london camera exchange,

  12. #12
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Get yourself one of these beauties

    Keith - Administrator

  13. #13
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Bet thats worh more than anything I own right now!

  14. #14
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    I've decided to go for the Fuji H10 on Amazon, £220 is a bargain I think I may regret it in a few months time but then again I may not Ultimately I would like a DSLR, but the extra £400+ I need for a DSLR and lenses I want is almost another flight to Manila, and I'd rather keep on going to the Phil's 3 times a year instead of sacrificing a trip to buy a camera. Having everything I want in a smaller package is also an advantage when considering hand and hold baggage weight, which more airlines seem to be clamping down on now

  15. #15
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I've decided to go for the Fuji H10 on Amazon, £220 is a bargain I think I may regret it in a few months time but then again I may not Ultimately I would like a DSLR, but the extra £400+ I need for a DSLR and lenses I want is almost another flight to Manila, and I'd rather keep on going to the Phil's 3 times a year instead of sacrificing a trip to buy a camera. Having everything I want in a smaller package is also an advantage when considering hand and hold baggage weight, which more airlines seem to be clamping down on now
    Well good for you and good luck with it wouldnt worry about anything other than your own needs - and I know what you mean about expenses etc! Right now I'd rather go to the Phils than buy a new laptop so I hold off buying one, even though I have a few sitting here and an iPad etc etc...

    Enjoy mate.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
    Well good for you and good luck with it wouldnt worry about anything other than your own needs - and I know what you mean about expenses etc! Right now I'd rather go to the Phils than buy a new laptop so I hold off buying one, even though I have a few sitting here and an iPad etc etc...

    Enjoy mate.
    Thanks Tone
    I'll see how I get on with it when it arrives. I may well regret it and wish I'd taken your advice, but at least if I do upgrade at some point I know a beautiful young woman in the Phil's who'll gratefully take it off my hands

    Out of interest, do you know if I can still use my ancient canon lenses with a DSLR? It's all perfectly good kit and I don't want to part with it. I still love my Canon SLR, it takes great photo's, but the drawback is that it's film and these days we get used to being able to instantly review our shots on the LCD

  17. #17
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I know the current crop of Nikons can use old 35mm lenses and I'm sure Canon put some backward compatibility in too but I'm not 100% on that.
    Also with the latest generation of lenses they do autofocus and aperture selection from within the camera so those would definitely be manual settings focus is no bother but I don't know how you manage aperture settings unless your in aperture priority mode.
    The final issue (probably isn't an issue) is you get cropped sensors in the entry DSLRS I'm sure using a 35mm lens will work fine but worth checking.

    Hope this is of value a chat with any Canon camera dealer will confirm the compatibility.

    What 35mm Canon do you have?
    I used to run with a Canon A1 which my Dad gave to me when I was merely 12! I started shooting weddings and portraits and doing glamour shoots for girls who wanted a portfolio then went onto study o and a level photography before spotting a computer and thinking nah that's the future for a job and changed tack...


  18. #18
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    Thanks Tone, I'll check on some forums and ask a few dealers about the lenses when I'm in the market for a DSLR. If the lenses aren't any good, it's not the end of the world as there are some packages available where you get additional lenses, filters,a bag and a memory card thrown in.

    My old 35mm is a Canon T80, I bought it in the States back in 1989 along with the flash, bag and a couple of longer range lenses. It's been all over the world with me and still takes great photo's. I believe it was the first 35mm Canon with a LCD display and an auto focus lens?

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