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Thread: What is the best way to get my wifes children here ?

  1. #1
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    What is the best way to get my wifes children here ?

    Hi everyone,

    Can anyone give us some advice on how to get my wifes children here to the UK please?

    We are ready to apply for my wifes FLR M visa! Can we Petition her children whilst she is on a FLR visa? or do we need to wait for her to get her ILR ?

    The other option we were thinking was to wait until her son will be 18 (who is now 15) and get him here to study on a students visa then petition him? should we have got them here the same time that we done her paper work to come here?

    Hope someone can throw some light on this for us! a BIG THANK YOU IN ADVANCE! to everyone who can advise us!

    Cheers SD AND BD

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    for your wife's children she needs to prove she has sole custody and sole responsibility.

    your wife can apply anytime to bring them here, she could have applied to bring them on her fiancee visa.

    no don't wait til he's 18 and a student, he might not get a student visa, it will be very expensive - will have to pay international fees and he probably have no right to stay in the UK once his studies have finished.

    get them here asap, or as soon as your settled, it will be cheaper and easier.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    for your wife's children she needs to prove she has sole custody and sole responsibility.

    your wife can apply anytime to bring them here, she could have applied to bring them on her fiancee visa.
    no don't wait til he's 18 and a student, he might not get a student visa, it will be very expensive - will have to pay international fees and he probably have no right to stay in the UK once his studies have finished.
    get them here asap, or as soon as your settled, it will be cheaper and easier.

    Thanks for that Joebloggs, with regards to proving sole custody and sole responsibility. she was never married to the childrens father BUT one child as her maiden name and the other as the fathers surname! in order to prove this would it need a letter from the father and also a legal document from a lawyer to prove this would you know? :rolleyes

  4. #4
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    I agree with Joe about getting them here ASAP.

    Is the father named on either birth certificate ?

  5. #5
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    Hi Grahamw48 the father is only named on one child, the child that is carrying his surname! the other child birh cert does not show the father! but the father as alread stated he will agrre for the kids to come to UK !

    Thanks in advance!

  6. #6
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    If the father is not on the birth cert he'd have to prove that he WAS the father then, before he'd have any say in that child's future.

    If the birth cert says 'father unknown', well that should may make it easier for you to bring that child here, because in theory he'll have no say in the matter anyway, but of course the mother having 'sole responsibility' will be the main issue.

    I brought my 2 Filipino stepchildren here, but they both had 'father unknown' on their birth certs, and it was probably a bit easier then anyway.

    Good luck, but the sooner the better.

  7. #7
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    Thanks Grahamw48

    and thanks to everyone else

  8. #8
    Respected Member aryM's Avatar
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    The DSWD issues Certificate for Sole Custody and Responsibility.

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aryM View Post
    The DSWD issues Certificate for Sole Custody and Responsibility.
    but for sole responsibility its the British embassy you have to convince, and a cert from the DSWD might not be enough, but if your wife has not been living away from her kids recently then there shouldn't be a problem with sole responsibility.

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