Very funny

! The internet is full of these "facts" ( rules of thumb

1. 7 seconds for food from mouth to stomach is the average time

2. A human hair can support about 100g ; the hair would be pulled out and could not support anything like 3 kg.

3. There is no proven correlation between penis ( or vagina ) length and any other part of the body

4. Bone structure is similar to reinforced concrete, being 1/3 organic ( fibrous tissue and cells) and 2/3 inorganic ( mainly calcium phosphate ), so it is as strong, but less dense, in healthy people

5. On average, women are smaller than men, as are their hearts, so their rates of heartbeat are faster

6. Skin bacteria live on sweat, and it's estimated there are 250,000 sweat glands on each foot, but a trillion "bugs" is only a guess

7. Blinking depends on emotions and environment, but women's eyes may be drier, on average, than men's

8. Skin is the biggest organ in the body, and the usual estimate of around 4.5 kg is more than twice the known brain weight of around 1.4 kg

9. Surprisingly, anatomists are still discovering new muscles, but out of a grand total of about 700 ( the heart being one), a good massage therapist should know of about 200 muscles, and 300 for standing is a fair estimate

10. Taste buds detect flavour when food is dissolved in saliva ; a sense of smell is also very important ( sense of taste diminishes with a cold) ; saliva on its own is tasteless

11 and 12. Correct
