58 years ago today! I was no more than a child of 8 at the time ... but I well-remember taking part in a fancy-dress competition - me clad in over-sized baby togs ... complete with 'dummy' stuck in my gob ... my wee brother aged five-and-a-half playing the part of my 'wet-nurse'! But that wasn't all that was WET ... the weather turned out to be equally - if not more - damp and driech!

I don't recall either of us winning any prize for our mum's efforts ... but I do recollect afterwards, cramming into the village hall - along with several hundred other locals - to watch the crowning of the young, 26-year-old monarch on a 17" black & white TV set positioned centre-stage.

Looking back ... it all seems so long ago, now.

Next February marks the Diamond Jubileee of our Sovereign Lady's accension to the throne. By then, she will be only two months' shy of her 86th birthday. What a marvellous achievement!