hmmm ... im a little bit worry... only a little bit....
my husband stop working for almost 3 years now.. he didnot worked since he last visited me .. nov 2009... -dec 2009 , march 2010 and august 2010... i applied for visit visa for marriage .. and was granted last nov 2010. .. and now im here in phils applying for settlement visa... hmmm... until now he didnot work coz im still not permanently living in uk with him..
i would like to know some clarifications,, comments, suggestions or even opinions with this...when i will be applying my visa next month, i will state that he is not working... but has big savings and he will come back to work when i wll be settled permanently in uk sooon...
-so since he didnot work, will his savings like 150,000 grand (pounds) enough????? his mother has a letter that we can stay in the house forever since the house is a 4 bedroom house and only the three of us will live there...
wiill i be worry in this? since he didnot work ??? and he doesnt want me to work too??? but im not a high maintenance wife, as long as theres noodle pot.. hahahha....
any advises ????: