Hello Knightc6,

In my case, I still carried out my maiden name in my passport & it's so annoying that I always have a copy of our marriage contract with me. But instead to ammend my passport while I was in the Philippines or ammend it in the Philippine Embassy Manila, I just decided to wait until my Philippine passport expire on 2012. I knew that your behalf is excited just like me. Here in the UK, I am bringing my married name. Everytime I was asked for my passport, it's still my maiden name but with my marriage contract there's no problem at all. I am carrying out my married name which is Mrs. Bailey at work, bank, NHS, GP and everytime I went for my ante natal. Enough about myself but it's really all up to both of you. Amend her Philippine passport from her maiden name to married name, or wait a bit until her Phil passport expire? because when she's in the UK, she can bring her married name everywhere just like me. Take note...every important document that you both will do, always follow the name in the passport & have the marriage contract handy.
Good Luck and say hello to your Mahal.