hello every one! im a filipina married to english loving guy named bruce....
i have lots of questions about settlement visa for me and my son please please help us? im sorry this is quite long,,just so u can help me out if we have enough supporting document?
my husband bruce is always coming in philippines and back england since year 2009.lat time he was here in philippines, october 2010 then we got married december 2010 then he left march 2010.
*my husband is now working in a company with payslips since april 2011
*my does not have much savings in the bank because my husband often comes here in philippines every two months since year 2009! and stays for 5-6 months here in phili
*my husband is living with my parents-in-law and theyre both very ill,and waiting to see me and my son.they have a letter for me to go with my application.even their hospital records just to show that they wer sick and wanted to meet us soon as possible.will it be helpful?
*i got NSO copy of my birth certificate,we got married in Tagaytay city hall by the mayor.
*i have copies of western union since april 2009 and its lots up to now
*copies of chat online,emails,and text and my husband's family's letter to me
*we have lots of pictures together
*proof that we live together,rent bill,electric water bills
*i have a son from my past which bruce treated as his own.my son never gets any support from his bio ugly father.my son loves bruce very much he dont know any father except to him but the name is on the bio father..BUT!
becos the bio father do not care anymore he signed a notarized paper in city hall saying that he is giving concent and authority to my son to reside with me and bruce in england.
the bio father also signed a paper saying that my son was born out of wedlock,illegitimate,he is now under the care and custody of me and bruce
i hope that thats the right paper to pass on the forms for my son?
thank u in advance please tell me what u guys think?? it is so sad to be far away from my husband and my son too is missing him verymuch