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Thread: Meeting Filipino girls in the UK

  1. #31
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I've got NO chance here then.

    Sometimes the trouble with people who've travelled Asia a lot is that they're expecting the expat Filipinas and Thai girls here to act like bar girls, or they at least start recounting their travel 'experience' in a way that would be most insulting and presumptuous to Asian girls here.
    Yes, big mistake. The old steriotypical attitudes towards Asian ladies will never get you far. It is quite sad to think that these tales might affect how some see our chosen wives or girlfriends. As you say Graham... quite insulting

    Maybe nutter's obsevation reflects the fact that lots of Filipino women here have had to work very hard to be here and they are quite happy to be single in case it jeopardises their jobs. Not all are just here to find love.
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  2. #32
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    Very true, and a lot have children back home too, as well as other family members they are supporting.

    Let's not forget that they also tend to have higher moral standards than a lot of the women who you see staggering around the streets on a Saturday night over here.

  3. #33
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Very true, and a lot have children back home too, as well as other family members they are supporting.

    Let's not forget that they also tend to have higher moral standards than a lot of the women who you see staggering around the streets on a Saturday night over here.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  4. #34
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutter36 View Post
    Well ive travelled around asia for years and though I know this is going to annoy lots,, ive found those outside uk are interested in me,, thoughs already here are not. If you go out, you very rarely see them mix with anyone from outside their nationality. Those I do see with english husbands, met them outside the uk. I used to go to resturants and clubs around london, that were filipino and thai, and even though i was there regular i was treated as an outsider and a pervert . I have tried numurous dating sites and get a 99% reply rate from those outside uk and zero response from those in uk.
    I have now given up trying to find a lady from asia.
    Now this is my point of view from my experience.
    I met my wife here in London while she was studying English at a college in Warren St. I had been separated for a couple of years and was not looking for a serious relationship, had no intention of meeting a foreigner and didn`t even know where the PI was. In fact I lost friends over our relationship.
    Two of our closest friends also met their Filipino wives here, the only difference being that UK resident Filipinos take more time with the relationship before marrying and have a bigger choice. We didn`t marry for 3 years.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by nutter36 View Post
    Well ive travelled around asia for years and though I know this is going to annoy lots,, ive found those outside uk are interested in me,, thoughs already here are not. If you go out, you very rarely see them mix with anyone from outside their nationality. Those I do see with english husbands, met them outside the uk. I used to go to resturants and clubs around london, that were filipino and thai, and even though i was there regular i was treated as an outsider and a pervert . I have tried numurous dating sites and get a 99% reply rate from those outside uk and zero response from those in uk.
    I have now given up trying to find a lady from asia.
    Now this is my point of view from my experience.
    That is true in part.

    The reality of the situation is that if you go to their home countries you can get fairly hot girls even if your old/fat/ugly, because they need us either financially or for a visa or whatever their motivation is. Once they are in the UK its a level playing field and the girls can get a a guy with equivalent looks and don't need the old/fat/ugly dude as she has no financial need.

    That basically means that the dudes that are used to getting the hot girls in Asia are disappointed as in England or wherever they can probably only get an Asian girl that has equivalent looks to a white girl they would get, which partly defeats the whole object in the first place.

    Also, the guys that do bring the younger hotter chicks over to the UK from abroad run the risk of being upgraded for a younger hotter model if there is a significant age/looks difference, as the girls know damn well what their real worth is on the looks front, for sure they will be getting a load of attention from the younger guys if they are half decent.

    Pretty harsh but true I'm afraid. That said I do know a few guys it seems to be working out for where there is a significant age/looks difference, but it normally goes tits up eventually.

  6. #36
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I walked past the european headquarters of Iglesia Ni Cristo last week,I took the shortcut through their back carpark and there must have been 20-25 pinays in the kitchen and at the rear door with plates in hand,I walked past and said "Gutom na ako,pahingi ng tira" which made one laugh and shocked some others it initiated a conversation,pinays love nothing more than to chat Its easy enough to meet a pinay in the UK.

    That basically means that the dudes that are used to getting the hot girls in Asia are disappointed as in England or wherever they can probably only get an Asian girl that has equivalent looks to a white girl they would get
    Totally true,everyone punches above their weight in asia,I used to go out with an incredible half japanese half pinay lady,she had to be a 10,real head turner,she dumped me for an american twice as old as me but twice as rich
    Any western guy past his sell by date,jaded,fighting a losing battle with male pattern baldness and middle-aged spread,face like a crumpled unironed bedsheet and weighed down with more personal baggage than a Cathay Pacific flight(self-descriptive) can go to pinas and hook a 20 year old stunner,hell,MORE than one 20 year old girl if thats his wish,within a few days,poverty does strange things to people,thats a fact.
    I told a tale before of a girl I know,she is 30+ her boyfriend is 70+years old and american,I asked her would she go out with a 70+ pinoy,she looked at me as if I was crazy and said "Thats different"

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

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