Originally posted by Pauldo@Sep 4 2005, 07:11 PM
I'll tell her to check around a few, see if there is a cheaper service. It's to help in a visa application for the mother in law. (Yes, you read it right, we're trying to get the mum in law over on a settlement visa :huh: )

Most documents we can send originals of, but they specify 'certified copies' of passports.
You can definitely get cheaper (if not free with a donation to their charity tin/biscuit tin).

If I may ask a personal question (and feel free to tell me to mind my own) - in applying for the mother in law as a dependent, how are you claiming she is dependent on you (eg, have you had to consistently send her money over the past 4 years) and is your application stating she will be living with you once she comes to you?

I ask only because we may be in a similar situation in the next few years.