My Mahal is on her 3rd BB! Other two stolen bit expensive but I went over to BB (sold my iPhone 4) just so that we could BBM as its cheap to use and instant and we talk all day on it exchange elements of our lives - for example I am driving somewhere I'll let her know when I'm leaving and when I reach my destination as does she. We sort of share our daily lives like that and it keeps me and her in tune with our lives.
Then its just easy for me to ask her a question, or ask her to arrange something - I love it but when she finally comes to the UK I'll go back to iPhone as I am not impressed with the BB on most of the other applications and use.
Every morning I wake to a lovely message from her and a icon of a cup of tea as she knows I like a tea first thing in the morning. Its so lovely...
I'd say BBM is perfect she uses a BB Globe service 50php a day or 225php for 5 days.