hi guys sorry was a bit busy after the release of my visa attending cfo, working and sorting other stuff. its not a secret actually i just did all submitted the requirements ask on the cheklist. the 3most important factors which i considered and must have are

1.proof of genuine and ongoing relationship, supply evidence as much as you can,emails, letters, chat logs pictures everyhting that will prove you relationship. i submittedour everyday emails for 1 year and 3months and its a lot. i submitted loads of letters and cards we sent by post i sent my hubby cards and letters twice a motnh sometimes everyweek to make him know how speaciail he is to me, and so he did the same to me.

2. next most important things is the financial details of your hubby, we submitted 7months of financial statement, all the accounts and evidence of shares and investment he has,employment contract stating his salary and position and how long hes been workingin the same company. a letter from his immedeiate superior evaluating his good performance.

3. this one also is very important proof of accomodation, we sumitted the mortgage details, pictures of the house, andsome other papers that shows you will have a decent accomodation when you arrive UK.

we did supply what we think will help our apllication to be succesfull,the more evidence you present the faster and greater chance of succes. we really did focus on these 3 i mentione above, i did arange it neatly and in order according to the checklist and have provided xerox copy for every original documents.do a lot of research,follow instruction make it sure you fill in the the right form, read a lot and if everything is ready submit it. no need to rush take time i do check my docs almost everyday to see if there is anythingmore i need.

hope these will help to future apllicant.goodluck!

be remind just give them the things they ask from you on the cheklist.thats what we did.