Like other members I'm sorry to read of your heartbreaking scenario, Jimbo and Maricris.
You haven't said whether there has now been a natural or induced labour, and obviously I don't know the full details, but I'm assuming Maricris is young and has never had a previous miscarriage.
However, I have to say that a "chromosomal aberration" is also an inadequate and unlikely explanation for your sad loss. The only way you can be sure of the reason(s) is by giving permission for a post mortem examination. This would tell you if there was an abnormality of the baby, and the chances of recurrence in a future pregnancy.
If a miscarriage occurs during the first trimester ( 1-13 weeks) it's usually due to problems with the unborn baby. Often the chromosomes are abnormal in structure or number - either by chance or especially with increased age of the mother. Other risk factors are obesity, smoking or taking drugs including alcohol during pregnancy.
Ultrasound, which is completely safe, should be performed for all pregnant women around 20 weeks. By then, not only the sex of the baby, but also general health, and normal development should be confirmed ( or abnormalities detected ).
By the second trimester (14-26 weeks), however, as in your situation, the usual cause of a miscarriage would be a health condition of the mother. These include diabetes; high blood pressure; other illness; infection; uterus ( womb ) structure, such as fibroids or weak cervix; or polycystic ovaries. The list is not to scare you, but probably to confirm what your "top doctors" in Makati have already told you. If, as we hope, Maricris is healthy, then the chances of a successful future pregnancy are good

I'm just so sorry about how the news was broken to you, and wish you all the best for the future.