Quote Originally Posted by Jimbojac View Post
Hmmmm a few factors such as she has moved 3 times in the last few months could be factored in here but i made sure she had regular check ups by qualified doctors. Plus always nagged for her to eat well and take recommended supplements and vitamins.
I think province people are much more reliant on their Mothers and friends for advice.
Now in hindsight we are hoping to plan for a baby once Maricris is in the West to lessen any risks further.
An interesting fact is that a good friend of mine has married a German woman and in Germany pregnant women are offered as standard free check ups every week by their doctors. According to her the UK is sadly behind in care too.
Jim. Where we live in the UK the care my wife received was second to none.

She saw a midwife weekly from week 34 before that it was onceevery 3 weeks

My wife's sister had her boys privately in Manila 70 thousand and that was just for the 2 births. according to Jane, the care her sister got delt didn't come close to the care Jane received in Swindon.

Like you said ' get her to the west' health wise its the best place and that came from my wife's family in The Philippines!