Wow...thats a peice to read....
So it was like that for you...Thats the UK Cielo, freezing bloody cold and the goods rarely turn up..we hear you...I suppose its easy for us..we were born here..yes I know what those winter mornings are like, Gina is going to moan like crazy at me about that, I will say to her "Well how about when you take me to Quezon City on the LTR and I sweat buckets" "Now its your turn to enjoy some fine good old english weather, is it really true a Filipina feels cold in a warm house, geeeeze Keith told us that about Ping, she is always cold with the heating on, I bet Bill notices the heating bill on your house, and also, I heard that the phone bills go up incredibly, because a Filipina is always calling home to talk to this one and that one, and when they finish talking they say "they didnt have much to say", so why is it they are on for hours then, on phone cards.
I understand how you feel about missing the Sari Sari when you run out of something, its not like you can pop next door is it ? its like a trip down the road to Sainsburys, or Tesco to get what you need, and you are so right ang mahal ng bilihin ngayon sa UK, there is just no getting away from the cost of living here, even we find it expensive di ba ? pero, we have to accept it.
pero we try to shop as cheaply as we can na lang !
I like your peice about how it was for you, pero are settled sige..maligaya ka na with asawa mo...Magandang Gabi..Cielo..Maraming Salamat po!