she took the test with ielts baguio ive found 2 on the list in baguio, ill ask my wife witch one she went to.
my wife isnt patient, ill wait for my next bank statement for this month then ill send her the money and all paperwork, i realy did want to wait until the end of july but my wife upsetting me how she has upset me this weekend, i havnt eaten anything since friday and only had 2 hours sleep since thursday, does anyone know what date i will recive my lloyds tsb bank statment, ive not took any notice before, but im being pressured, im not a gambling person and i was happy to wait until the end of july, but now im forced to gamble, £860 has took me along time to save and my job is tempory, ill have many sleepless nights now worrying because my wife cant wait until the end of july, if visa is refuse bcos they need the bank statment for july, can i send it soon as i get it.