Hi drivethru2600! I assume you are applying for a tourist visa. It would be easier if you just re-apply instead of appealing. British Embassy is quite strict for Registered Nurses from Philippines in applying a tourist visa, as there were incidents before that some were able to get employers here & managed to change visas from tourist to working, but that was before the Home Office tightened their belt on non-EU workers.
I had the same exprience getting a tourist visa for my only sister who is RN & was practicing her profession in 2006. I planned to bring her here as tourist, but the real intention was to look for a job. Though it didn't happen, as she was initially granted 3months only. I told my sister to hold off coming here, let the visa expire without using it & re-apply after a year. When she did apply, I included my dad in the application, as I believe it'll make her application strong coz the embassy will think she'll accompany my dad (he's an elderly) on the holiday. She was then granted 6months visa in 2007 & they stayed here for 5months before visa expired.
Make sure you provide evidences: Certificate of employment from your company, your letter to your company seeking vacation or career break with their approval noted on the letter, any bank statements or property you have in the philippines coz it'll count in your application & they'll think you have a property to come back for. If you are married w/ kids, it's a strong point, as embassy is assured you'll be coming back for them. If your sister can get your mum as tourist too, so you can say you'll accompany her. Though it'll cost your sister more, chances are better.
I don't know what others may advise you, but it worked for me. Good luck & make sure you have as much evidence.
By the way, my sister & her family is already here in the UK on a working visa since 2010 in healthcare.