I didn't say anyone called him a jerk, but from all the negative comments about him so far (e.g., selfish, insecure, etc), they might as well have called him one. Doesn't anyone else feel that all this speculation isn't going to help unless the husband in question actually knows there's an issue and understands what he's taking away from kate_th when he refuses to let her work? I agree with Peanutz, noone knows what happens behind closed doors.
If I got "Not applicable. Change the question" as an answer, I'd be mad enough to scream. But I'm sure he has his reasons. We don't even know if kate_th had any indirect or non-verbal clues to his reasons. Is the husband selfish in general? Is he bragging to his buddies that he is her lifeline? Is he treating her like a fragile child? Is he hinting at children in the very near future? I read the posts and it's mostly speculation because all we know from kate_th is (1) she wants to work and he won't let her, and (2) she asked him why he wouldn't let her work and he gave a non-answer. We don't really know the facts or his side, for that matter.