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Thread: Have Filipino Girlfriend in uk.But she is married to a much older man. Help please

  1. #31
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Unless the law has changed recently the husband of the filipina cant send his wife 'home'.

    She is allowed to stay here until her 2 year visa expires whether she's with her husband or not.

    As long as the husband reports it in writing recorded post to the border control Croydon or where ever it is now, thats all he can do.

    The wife is still legally allowed to work until the expiry date of the visa.

    C razyI know. She comes here on the strength of her husband's sponsorship then, when it suits ups and leaves....all with the blessing of the border control.

    It stinks
    not completely true Gawpito, they can curtail her visa anytime, whether they do or not is another thing, if there is 6 months less on her visa, they probably wouldn't anyway..

  2. #32
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    not completely true Gawpito, they can curtail her visa anytime, whether they do or not is another thing, if there is 6 months less on her visa, they probably wouldn't anyway..
    There was 9 months left on my ex wifes settlement visa when I divorced her in January 2011.

    The UKBA told me they were canceling the visa but she IS still in the UK.


  3. #33
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    I hadn't considered the 'bigamist' aspect where the ex is concerned.

    After our divorce came through she married a Swedish bloke.

    We DID get married in the Phils though.

    Having said that, I'd never do anything to screw up the life of my boy's mother.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    There was 9 months left on my ex wifes settlement visa when I divorced her in January 2011.

    The UKBA told me they were canceling the visa but she IS still in the UK.

    There was over a year on ex's visa still, the border control failed to act. It gave her enough time to find another hapless soul to plunder and remarry without going back to The Philippines. All before her defunct visa expired

    I suspect you maybe misinformed Joe. I wrote a detailed letter to her employer. A major national employer. I explained she was breaking the terms and conditions of her visa, they in turn contacted the border control.

    She never lost her job.

  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    There was 9 months left on my ex wifes settlement visa when I divorced her in January 2011.

    The UKBA told me they were canceling the visa but she IS still in the UK.

    Did you get any response from your MP and the Home Secretary ? - Tell them you will be raising the issue with the Parliamentary Ombudsman - these leeches must be removed from our country.

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    There was 9 months left on my ex wifes settlement visa when I divorced her in January 2011.

    The UKBA told me they were canceling the visa but she IS still in the UK.

    At least they told you they were canceling her visa.

    They told me in a letter that I'd done the correct thing in reporting it bearing in mind I'd reported it over 6 months earlier. Yes, it took that long to reply to me.

    I was told in so many words its no longer my concern Period.

    I guess they are too busy chasing down many other wayward filipinas.

    To think now the spouse finance visa can be obtained in a matter of days as opposed to years gone by.

  7. #37
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    At least they told you they were canceling her visa.

    They told me in a letter that I'd done the correct thing in reporting it bearing in mind I'd reported it over 6 months earlier. Yes, it took that long to reply to me.

    I was told in so many words its no longer my concern Period.

    I guess they are too busy chasing down many other wayward filipinas.

    To think now the spouse finance visa can be obtained in a matter of days as opposed to years gone by.
    Yes they told me, but they have not carried it through, she is still in the UK.

  8. #38
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    In 1991 the Spouse visa fee was £40 (and no other fees worth speaking of).

    Airfares were virtually the same as today.

  9. #39
    Respected Member Koala's Avatar
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    The Philippine govt has to except the law of other countries. Just like other countries have to accept the law of the Philippines.

    If she is divorced there..... well its what it says divorced. You can't get divorced in PI.....but you can get divorced and she won't be done for bigamy back here. Thousands of pinoys get divorced overseas and return and get married again.

  10. #40
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Did you get any response from your MP and the Home Secretary ? - Tell them you will be raising the issue with the Parliamentary Ombudsman - these leeches must be removed from our country.
    I had an auto reply from Damien Green saying I should contact my own MP, who I had copied the letter to anyhow.

    I have had a brief reply from my MPs office that they would try to look into the matter, Teresa May did not answer, nor did the home office.

    There seems no way of simply asking the UKBA why they did not do as they said they were going to, I have wrote them again with no reply.

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Koala View Post
    The Philippine govt has to except the law of other countries. Just like other countries have to accept the law of the Philippines.

    If she is divorced there..... well its what it says divorced. You can't get divorced in PI.....but you can get divorced and she won't be done for bigamy back here. Thousands of pinoys get divorced overseas and return and get married again.
    If a Filipino national files for divorce in another country (as the petioner), his or her divorce will not be recognized in the Philippines.

    The Family Code of The Philippines.
    Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law

  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    I had an auto reply from Damien Green saying I should contact my own MP, who I had copied the letter to anyhow.

    I have had a brief reply from my MPs office that they would try to look into the matter, Teresa May did not answer, nor did the home office.

    There seems no way of simply asking the UKBA why they did not do as they said they were going to, I have wrote them again with no reply.
    They're obviously trying to dodge the issue - maybe a letter to your local MP (copied to Editor of local newspaper) detailing the immigration abuses you are raising and also who's not responded and asking for his help and support in raising the matter with the Parliamentary Ombudsman

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    If a Filipino national files for divorce in another country (as the petioner), his or her divorce will not be recognized in the Philippines.

    The Family Code of The Philippines.
    Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law
    My ex did the petitioning, and now has re-married (I didn't see why I should have to pay), so she's a bigamist ?

    She also had British Citizenship/Naturalisation (before her second marriage).
    I wonder how that effects things in the Phils.

  14. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    My ex did the petitioning, and now has re-married (I didn't see why I should have to pay), so she's a bigamist ?

    She also had British Citizenship/Naturalisation (before her second marriage).
    I wonder how that effects things in the Phils.
    You'd need to review the Family Code and other statutes if you want to confirm.

  15. #45
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    Update. Firstly I have to state that when I met the lady (socially) and for the first couple of meetings that I loosely and probably incorrectly refer to as ''dates'', I had no idea at all she was married. So i was NOT attempting to steal another mans wife and for the record there has been nothing improper. It was not untill I asked her if she would consider actually going on a ''proper date'' that she explained her situation of being married but unhappy. Since she has been in contact with me via phonecalls and texts. She has had reason to report an incident regarding her husbands son (48) to the police and as a result the son has moved out . She said that initially her intentions were to marry and be with the man (happy ever after) but that once she was married he changed completely. He ignores her , spends little time at home ( away for days at a time without informing her of where he is) Her life now consists of working (often double shifts) in a nursing home and being lonely. She admits she is trying to ''stick it out'' to get her resident visa as she has little to go back to in the filipines and feels the best for her children is to try and stay in UK.
    I belive this is a genuine case of older man brings girl to uk and marrys then thinks he can continue womanising and leading a seperate life whilst keeping a wife at home for convenience. Last time I spoke to her she was even now cotemplating accepting going back to filipenes as she is so unhappy.

  16. #46
    Respected Member ConfusedMe's Avatar
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    1. If you really like this girl Gary, I think the best way is for you to wait until she can finally get her ILR. Much easier.

    2. If the marriage ends in divorce, prior to the individual being granted leave to remain, then the individual will either need to leave the UK, or make an application to remain in the UK in another category.
    There can be various options available when making such applications in this situation, including the following 'grounds':

    As a parent exercising rights of contact/access in relation to a child.
    As a parent of a child at school.
    As a victim of domestic violence.
    As a migrant within Tier 1 of the Points Based System (Highly Skilled Migrant, Entrepreneur, Investor, post study worker etc.)

    PS I copy paste No2 answer from this site

    But on how to make these applications... You can check in UK border site

    Quote Originally Posted by GaryCambs View Post
    I am pretty much confusd. Maybe someone could answer some simpple questions for me.
    1) Could the lady in question divorce her husband now after being married just over a year.?
    2) if she did what would happen to her. She claims she does have alternative accomodation, she has a fulltime job and can support her children, She says if she divorces before her permenant visa her and her children get sent home. Is this true. ??

  17. #47
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    First of all, realize that you've allowed yourself to fall in love with a woman who has no integrity. A woman who cheats on her husband is a woman that no man can ever fully trust.
    Marriage is not about who did what. It is about who you think you can spend the rest of your life with. It is not the same as shopping for a car..where if one thinks this model of cars is cool then most likely you might find it cool too. You plan to spend your life with another human being, so my advise is not to generalise but find someone who you click with, it is not about where one comes from but rather about how you relate to that person. Best of luck!

  18. #48
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    I suspect you maybe misinformed Joe. I wrote a detailed letter to her employer. A major national employer. I explained she was breaking the terms and conditions of her visa, they in turn contacted the border control.

    She never lost her job.
    me misinformed gWapito , you've doubted me a few times gawapito

    she had a valid visa that's why , but the HO can curtail it, which it looks like they decided not to curtail it this time

    straight from the horses mouth

    When information is received that a marriage has broken down during the probationary period, a person’s stay in the United Kingdom may be curtailed.

  19. #49
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  20. #50
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    me misinformed gWapito , you've doubted me a few times gawapito

    she had a valid visa that's why , but the HO can curtail it, which it looks like they decided not to curtail it this time

    straight from the horses mouth

    When information is received that a marriage has broken down during the probationary period, a person’s stay in the United Kingdom may be curtailed.
    Do we know of anywhen when they did take any action?
    They told me they were going to curtail my exes settlement visa when I dirvoced her but they did not do it!

    It seems strange they work hard to make sure only thoes entitled do get a visa, but thoes that slip through they do nothing about

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    When information is received that a marriage has broken down during the probationary period, a person’s stay in the United Kingdom may be curtailed.

    The crucial word is "may" which should be "will"

  22. #52
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    I had an auto reply from Damien Green saying I should contact my own MP, who I had copied the letter to anyhow.

    I have had a brief reply from my MPs office that they would try to look into the matter, Teresa May did not answer, nor did the home office.

    There seems no way of simply asking the UKBA why they did not do as they said they were going to, I have wrote them again with no reply.
    I don't get why you're trying to remove your ex from this country unless you felt her sole motive for marrying you is to get stay in UK. If that is the case then i'm afraid you should have read the sign from day one when you started dating. I'm sure if you looked back now you'd say "Damn! I saw the signs but I ignored it"

    Next time you're dating a filipino from phils tell em you're the one moving to them in phils and if they're still with you 6 months after you say that to them then it's a good test she is not after using you for UK passport

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
    I don't get why you're trying to remove your ex from this country unless you felt her sole motive for marrying you is to get stay in UK. If that is the case then i'm afraid you should have read the sign from day one when you started dating. I'm sure if you looked back now you'd say "Damn! I saw the signs but I ignored it"

    Next time you're dating a filipino from phils tell em you're the one moving to them in phils and if they're still with you 6 months after you say that to them then it's a good test she is not after using you for UK passport
    That's very easy to say, mickcant like others before and others after unfortunately didn't have the benefit of hindsight

  24. #54
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  25. #55
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
    I don't get why you're trying to remove your ex from this country unless you felt her sole motive for marrying you is to get stay in UK. If that is the case then i'm afraid you should have read the sign from day one when you started dating. I'm sure if you looked back now you'd say "Damn! I saw the signs but I ignored it"

    Next time you're dating a filipino from phils tell em you're the one moving to them in phils and if they're still with you 6 months after you say that to them then it's a good test she is not after using you for UK passport
    I am trying to remove her, becouse she lied to me and only married me to come to the UK to work.

    She was unfaithful and had a child by her Filipino boyfriend after we married and before finally coming here.
    Yes looking back I should have seen many signs that now seem clear, but as they say “Love is Blind”.

  26. #56
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we all can say he should have seen it comming and yes after many months years after the fact we all can read the signs, that why most of us are on here now,yes mick love is blind, its been blind for me twice before, most men are fools when it comes to love but again i would rather be a fool then some hard person who has no feelings, just my thought

  27. #57
    Respected Member blackcat22's Avatar
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    Just be real careful next time, the holy grail rule of thumb is:

    Any foreign girl filipino or russian or whatever more than 10yrs younger than you declaring undying love 85% of the time is faking it. i.e a 20yr old foreign girl declaring undying love to a 65yr old man 8 times out of 10 are fakers so try and stick to foreign ladies whose age much closer to your age and u have a better chance.

    ..and let's face the fact 90% of guys wanting to date foreign ladies are over 40s so the 18-25yrs filipinos are short of supplies of foreign men nearer their own age hence will look to the older guys to get foot in the door.

  28. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
    Just be real careful next time, the holy grail rule of thumb is:

    Any foreign girl filipino or russian or whatever more than 10yrs younger than you declaring undying love 85% of the time is faking it. i.e a 20yr old foreign girl declaring undying love to a 65yr old man 8 times out of 10 are fakers so try and stick to foreign ladies whose age much closer to your age and u have a better chance.

    ..and let's face the fact 90% of guys wanting to date foreign ladies are over 40s so the 18-25yrs filipinos are short of supplies of foreign men nearer their own age hence will look to the older guys to get foot in the door.
    I think you are trying to tell someone how to suck eggs, and what makes you such an authority to judge Mick's situation A little condesending don't you think ?
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  29. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackcat22 View Post
    Just be real careful next time, the holy grail rule of thumb is:

    Any foreign girl filipino or russian or whatever more than 10yrs younger than you declaring undying love 85% of the time is faking it. i.e a 20yr old foreign girl declaring undying love to a 65yr old man 8 times out of 10 are fakers so try and stick to foreign ladies whose age much closer to your age and u have a better chance.

    ..and let's face the fact 90% of guys wanting to date foreign ladies are over 40s so the 18-25yrs filipinos are short of supplies of foreign men nearer their own age hence will look to the older guys to get foot in the door.
    Fascinating insight you have there.

    Please show the source of your facts.

  30. #60
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    maybe blackcat22 has been studying these for a long time.. hahaha.. what you think guys?

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