Filipina's are very emotional if they had a very bad trauma. She is lucky to have a concerned friend (boyfriend) like you. Year 2008, Filipino fiancées and spouses of foreign citizens who are leaving the country are required to attend the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) guidance and counseling programs in order to secure the Guidance and Counseling Certificate (GCC) and the CFO sticker. This Pre-Departure Orientation Seminar (P.D.O.S) is a pre-requisite to the issuance of passports. THIS PROGRAM HELPS Filipino fiancées and spouses of foreign nationals make informed decisions regarding their marriage to foreign nationals and to prepare them for their adjustments in cross-cultural marriages. The two-hour seminar include topics about migration laws, welfare and support services available in their country of destination, their rights overseas; and tips on how to cope up if in case there’ll be problematic or difficult domestic situations.
WE are given books, leaflets of website where to contact if in case we encountered things like that of what u mentioned. TALK to her about this. She may contact the helpful filipino links from the list, she can find a lot of filipinos who are a member of a Filipino community where she can find help like solicitors & advisers.
It's hard to judge her as I've seen the unbelievable true to life stories from the seminar of how Filipina wives are being treated. It's scary and distressful. There's one wife who was treated like a prisoner and a sex slave & a lot of stories never been told in the public.
If she is unhappy, she should give any close Filipina friend a shout that she needs help & I'm sure she can find one. A year is quiet long for her to suffer.

Hope she keeps a diary of how she was treated or some evidence.
Hope she can find help about this matter.