or should she accept that as a married couple she has responsibility to provide also?

Marriage is a partnership right?WRONG!
I know LOTS of guys married to pinays for years,most of my mates married them as we were all based in asia and they were everywhere in Hong Kong so its natural that single guys(brits) meet single ladies (Pinays or thais or indo's)and marry,I have heard all sorts of tales
The saddest ones or those that spring most readily to mind? Friend of mine paid EVERYTHING,he worked 60+ hours a week,paid the mortgage,bought his wife a ticket back to pinas every year to see her family,basically he paid the lot
His wife had two jobs and worked 7 days a week the agreement was she would save all her cash and they would get a bigger house or a second house for rental in the future This went on for 10 years eventually my mate found letters from the bank agreeing to loan his wife 20 grand he found she had pawned all her jewellery,including her wedding ring,she had also borrowed 14 grand from another source and sold her shares he never found out what she had done with the cash,nor the 10 years of savings,she just clammed up and sulked when he asked her,needless to say she is now an EX-wife
Everyone says pinays make the best wives yadda....yadda....yadda mostly these are older guys with younger women who have "Discovered" pinas and pinays in later life and thats just their views,but they arent all sweetness and light,they are women after all,thats the Operative word,not pinays but WOMEN The prefix PINAY-wife doesnt make them super special or anything out of the ordinary,they are only human,some good,some bad,some nondescript.