Good day everyone!(It's a nice and sunny day here today in Edinburgh
In reference to the above subject, and in quoting below per UKBA
We need 6 letters or other documents addressed to you jointly or in both your names.....The dates of the letters or documents should spread over the whole 2 years. They should be from at least 3 different sources.
Questions/For clarification:
1. 6 letters or documents - means 6 pieces of letters or documents?
2. We have 4 sets of documents on joint names per UKBA's acceptable lists (i.e. Council Tax, Joint Bank Account, Tenancy Agreement, and Gas/Electric Bill), would submitting more than 6 pieces and more than 3 sources be ok? Example:
a. Council Tax - (2 pcs)
b. Tenancy Agreement - (2 pcs)
c. Joint Bank Account Statement - (2 pcs)
d. Gas/Electric Bill - (2 pcs)
* spread throughout the 2 year period
3. We have other documents on separate names but in accordance to the UKBA acceptable lists too, would you advise for us to submit it too?
Just worried, don't know if I would strictly stick with the 6 PIECES OF DOCUMENTS WITH AT LEAST 3 SOURCES as per what they indicated in the application form or SUBMIT MORE.
Hope you can advise and share your personal experience/s.
Thank you for your time and looking forward to your valued response/s.
Best regards,