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Thread: securing my son's british passport before his philippine passport!HELP

  1. #1
    Member nominaljosh's Avatar
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    securing my son's british passport before his philippine passport!HELP

    Hi, this is my second time to post and initially i was having problems getting my son's british passport but i got it anyway.Now my dilemma is his Dad wants us immediately to China where he works as an expat to apply for permanent residency there.I didnt apply yet for his PHILIPPINE passport and now appointment alone would take us to September when we need to travel on July 15.According to the Bureau of Immigration, if he departs with his British Passport he then would pay the exit clearance amounting to 710 pesos which I don't mind because he doesnt have Philippine passport yet.My problem is when I inquire to the BI again they told me that I am not allowed to get a PI passport for my son not unless i secure him a CERTIFICATE OF RECOGNITION which might costs Php15,000.I am surprised as my son is born in the Philippines he is therefore a citizen here refering to JUS soli acquired Phil citizenship when born here or moreso Philipine citizen because his mother (me) is a FILIPINO Jus Sanguini. And besides certificate of recognition is only issued to Filipino children born abroad with Filipino parent.They said once this certificate of recognition is released I can file the Philippine passport along with this cert.But according to what I read in the Phil Embassy website, a cert of recognition is not a requirement in getting a passport.My son is still a FILIPINO even if he acquires the British passport in the BRITISH EMBASSY MANILA.He would then have dual citizenship.So i dont get it why he is being delayed in getting a passport by the Bureau of Immigration through numerous requirements.This certification would even be processed from 6-12 months which means, my son will never get his passport yet.He can have it after 12 months with the release of such certificate of recognition.It is so misleading talking to a BI officer and reading their websites because obviously she doesnt know what she is talking about because what she says is not what I read.Am I wrong?.Please englighten me.I need to get a Philippine passport for my son soon.I just think I can get him a philippine passport anytime as he is Filipino citizen from birth!Seeking your advice, Jasmin.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    your son is born in Ph therefore he is intitle to get a philippine passport believe me ive been through on that problem as well..i got my son as well..he has both passport PH and English(he was born in the Philippines).. so when you apply for his passport just show the birth cert from NSO and some doc they needed from you as not relay on Bureau of Immigration with DFA..thats sure your son will be fine..they just want to make money out from you thats the point why they delay

    btw reading your thread again you should have get his PH passport before the English on that way is much easier to deal with gov and immigration itself coz the showing the PH passport itself to them they wouldnt have reason to delay whatever is your purpose to them
    as my experience when i deal with the Bureau of Immigration before we come to UK..ive told them my son got an English passport do i need to pay any tax?? and they said yes..but i oppose saying .."but my son is filipino he is born here and i got his birth certificate" and filipino passport ..then ive seen them speechless lost of word..and one man say ahhh..oh i see ..his fine then he dont need to pay anything...if he got both therefore the only trouble is if you only declare english passport without PH that they make money out those people who wont bother to know there policy..
    hope that help and Goodluck
    Last edited by Moy; 27th June 2011 at 15:48. Reason: spelling

  3. #3
    Member nominaljosh's Avatar
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    Hi, I secured his british passport ahead in British Embassy Manila.I think those were the days when i was recovering from my cs operation and my British husband phoned me that I should apply for his british passport the soonest time possible.I presumed then that it would be easy for me to get his Philippine passport because he is born here and I am filipino so the laws of acquiring citizenship has been followed.Either way, i am just concerned as when he gets both his Phil and British passport do i still need to get the dual citizenship certificate from Bureau of Immigration????Do you think the DFA will grant us the PI Passport even if we get the british passport first?I hope they wont ask for too much requirements and rob me! In the application form for Phil passport it says there in one text box, indicate if you have another citizenship other than the FIlipino citizenship.I wont mind paying or doing a procedure if it is the right one.As a mum, i feel relieved when all these documents are settled and we dont have to go through difficulty in departing.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    your son is a genuine filipino born not let worry you he is born on PHILIPPINES right..? the english passport was just acquired because of your english therefore it was acquired through descent in other term ( british by descent)
    when you deal with the normal filipino requirement that needed and DO NOT tick any box/text that says another citizenship(again as ive said his english passport was aquired by descent-meaning from his father who is an english citizen and not by birth in the UK..-HE WAS BORN IN THE PHILIPPINES..therefore he has the right to apply for PH passport but you dont need to decalare his other citizenship..) IF you dont want any more hasstle thats all i can suggest stanD to where you think you are right..your son been born in PH and you dont need to worry about applying his passport..just deal with them and dont show the english passport nor declare it..the only time you show your SON passport is when you and him depart in Manila (PH Immigratation) NEED to show both passport(PH and ENGLISH) so he still be able to return in PH using that passport BUT when you arrive to UK just show the ENGLISH PASSPORT and make sure you kept his PH passport when dealing with UK immigration

    hope that help!
    Last edited by Moy; 28th June 2011 at 13:59. Reason: Spelling

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