Hi, I secured his british passport ahead in British Embassy Manila.I think those were the days when i was recovering from my cs operation and my British husband phoned me that I should apply for his british passport the soonest time possible.I presumed then that it would be easy for me to get his Philippine passport because he is born here and I am filipino so the laws of acquiring citizenship has been followed.Either way, i am just concerned as when he gets both his Phil and British passport do i still need to get the dual citizenship certificate from Bureau of Immigration????Do you think the DFA will grant us the PI Passport even if we get the british passport first?I hope they wont ask for too much requirements and rob me! In the application form for Phil passport it says there in one text box, indicate if you have another citizenship other than the FIlipino citizenship.I wont mind paying or doing a procedure if it is the right one.As a mum, i feel relieved when all these documents are settled and we dont have to go through difficulty in departing.