I need advice coz I really dont know what to do anymore. I cant understand what's going on anymore. I guess I've already mentioned about my bf in the Introduction forum. He's been keeping quiet since Friday night because I asked help from him, a favor if he can let me borrow until Friday for my salary......WAIT! Before you judge me as a scammer, hear me out first. I wasnt asking for millions, and I was only asking for favor which can be answered by 'yes' or 'no'. I have no other else to turn to.
Before you raise your eyebrows, I'm not a poor lady looking for money. I have a job, my salary may not be that much but I'm contented. I work as a research assistant in the University. My whole life revolve around the academe world. Even when I was a kid my whole future was already planned out, to work in the academe. My mom is a professor, my father has a high position in one of the government agencies. We are not poor but we aren't rich either. But my life is a pretty sheltered one. I have fair share of financial crisis once in a while. But what really drained me out, I'm not complaining but it's a fact, was the amount I spend for e-load so I can always send SMS to him. I guess you know pretty well how much it cost for a single text, and add 3 to 6 SMS just in one night....add how many days in a month....I think you know how much it is costing me....I didnt mind coz I am happy sending him SMS, letting him know that I'm thinking about him...sweetnothings but important to us. Before, I can only send him 1 to 2 SMS in a day, he complained coz he thought I wasnt serious about him. So I made the effort coz somehow I want to work things out.....
Dont get idea that he's not a nice guy, he is...He is sweet guy, he always worries when he think I'm worrying something. He calls frequently just to say he misses me.....we share a lot of laughter coz he also has a good sense of humor. He always makes me laugh. We can talk about anything. I can pick on his brain about anything that comes to my mind. Intelligent guy is far more appealing to me than just handsome and beautiful men. That's why I like him, I can talk to him. The only thing that make us quarrel is our stubbornness, we're both stubborn. I for one is a proud person, I never had the need to prove myself to anybody. Aside from being stubborn, we are both temperamental. I have a temperament that can match him. It's not our first quarrel, we even broke up twice. He was suppose to visit me by May but we quarreled and lost our communication for 2 months. Both of our quarrels were my fault, I was arrogant and proud. He couldnt understand me and me as well to him. What the hell do I know of foreign men? It's my first time to try a relationship with a guy who is not Pinoy. And to top my craziness, I haven't meet him in person yet though we see each other almost everyday through SKYPE.
Most of the time he gets restless of our situation, and I dont comment at all and that sometimes makes him mad. He feels like I dont give a damn, which is the opposite. I'm not much a talker, and I've adapted to the trait of a researcher, think first all the options and analyze which is the best choice. He cant understand that side of me. It's useless to talk when I dont have the answer. He gets angry every time he offers financial help and I refuse. Which is really an irony of what is happening to us right now....now that I need help, he chooses silence. I'm confused, I dont know what to think of him. I only have a simple principle, mean what you say. I feel like I step into a trap he set before me so he can judge me like what he think of us. I dont know what to think anymore. I dont want to judge him but how can I understand if he wont tell me? One reason that I havent got married early like in my early 20s because I found out that men are only good with their words but never with deeds. I dont want to put him to that category, I know that he has reason. But what reason when he doesnt even talk to me. God, I will go nuts just thinking.
Sorry if this is quite too long....I dont have to talk with. I dont know what to do.