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Hi Chaps
Many thanks for the replies.
I was going to send a copy of the wedding invites with the application and deposit into her account a bit of money so that she can show sufficient funds for a 7-10 day visit.
Although I will be covering the costs of the visit - the visa is only £76 so it's quite favourable from that point of view. I've got enough air miles also to arrange the flights just have to pay the tax.
I've asked my Fiancee to get a doctors report for her sisters condition and some photos of them together showing how close mother and daughter are.
As some of you state it's about having a go, my Mum in law will not see one daughters wedding due to her condition, and so seeing her other daughter marry me would be a dream come true!
I'm positive I can put a compelling letter together with enough evidence to show she will return. I actually believe she won't want to leave the Phills for more than a week but we'll see.
Thanks again