with the basic concept of the Test ... in so far as it being desirable for people from overseas wishing to settle in the UK to integrate themselves into the British lifestyle - as much for their own sakes, as for the benefit of the native population - and in this respect it would seem to serve a useful purpose. But, having said that, the Test itself is by NO means a "walkover" ... not least because of its unrealistically high target marks set - 75% or above - in order to score a pass! Truth be told, many born-and-bred Brits - myself included - would be struggling to attain such standards. My wife passed at her first attempt last July ... but then she'd been a schoolteacher for 22 years in the Phils and, admittedly, was already well-disciplined towards the level of study required. And, after all, adequate preparation is the key factor involved in any examination.
Where the unfairness creeps in, is applying the criteria of this - and the new English Language Test - to countries like the Philippines - where English has long been the medium of instruction - while exempting immigrants from continental European nations who speak not a word of our language ... and, morover, have no intention of learning it ... yet are allowed to freely settle here by virtue their EU membership.
But then ... I'm biased!![]()