Passing the exam is fine, but a system which obliged an immigrant to 'become British' in their way of life would be a lot more appropriate.
At present it seems that many whilst wanting to live in UK want it be a life which is the same as that in the country which they came from. It should be that if one wants life to be the same they should be obliged to go to the country which shares their way of life.
There are also a lot of people who seem to believe that customs are religious obligations. I understand that Indonesia has practically no problems about religion as the inhabitants are Indonesians first, and Muslims, Christians etc second.
I live in Spain, I don't expect Spain to be 'little Britain'. I don't expect anything here to be changed to suit me. If I don't like it I don't need to be told by the Spanish what I should do (go back to UK)
(I don't think that most Filipinos living in another country expect that county to change for them, but many others do)