
right met a girl online, chatted for ages didnt send her any money, spoke for like 4 months, she sent me a card got on really well.

She would go to internet cafe to chat to me or her cousins.

Cut a long story short, I went to visit her, met her family in her house, met her cousins, aunties, nephews. We went on some dates and I paid for the big things and she paid for the small things.

Came back to England and we kept talking, I bougt her a laptop but she had to pay for her smart usb load.

She didnt have a job so I offered to help her end some money so she could get all the forms she needed top work in the mall.

About 2 months ago I got an email saying her Dad was ill in hospital and she was very worried, alarm bells started going off. She went to visit him and was worried about the money for medicine.

She said the phil health didnt cover all of it and because he wasnt old enough only 56 would get very little help from the government. She asked me if she could borrow the money, but only half of it. The total was 11,000 peso but I only gave her 6,000. She said the rest she would get from her other family.

I said that this was a lot of trust I was giving to her and when I came back in November this year she would pay me back. This was 2 months ago and it has gone quiet her end. I have waited to chat to her on yahoo, I have tried to phone her but nothing.

She works 6 days a week 10 hours a day for 150 pesos, so if the continued medication for her Dad would be taking all of her salaries.

Do you think she is spending all her money on her Dad getting better so she cant afford to contact me, or that she has taken the money and gone.

If she has taken the money and gone then fine, at least I know now and not before we got married. Do I wait to see if she does get in contact. Dont really know what to do as dont know whats going on.

As I say when I met her, she was worried about being labelled a gold digger and made sure I had receipts for everything we did.