Quote Originally Posted by worthingmale View Post
she only asked for half the money, as she said she could find the other half, so I was hapyp to send.

Agree everything was going along fine.

She has all my contatct details, email address, yahoo messenger, cell phone, house phone, home address everything.

The not knowing is the major thing really that is getting to me. If I knew either way it would be okay, and we both agreed as we are from different cultures that we would go slow, learn about each other, and explain things.

I actually told her to sell the laptop if she needed to, to raise the other money.

She lives in Tagum City so not sure if there are any forum members near there.
I think there are some members in that area, but maybe not regulars.
From what you've said it certainly appears that she does not want to continue.
Sorry for that, many of us here know just how it hurts.

I'm still doubtful it was a premeditated scam though.