My two-pence worth ?
You’ve talked for a long time, you,ve gone out and seen her, you’ve met her family, you’ve been invited to their home. And in all that time, she never asked for anything. This ain’t a scam.
6,000p ain’t a lot of money to us ….. but to her, it could mean the difference between life & death.
Who was it who suggested that the money be repaid in November ? Her or you ?
If you….. no wonder she’s not in contact. She earns 150p per day …… how the hell is she gonna be able to save 6,000p by November ? It’s not possible. She’s probably spending every last peso she earns on paying for her father’s medicine or paying off the money-lender.
Your comment “I’m giving you a lot of trust” was crass……. She obviously now feels that she’s abused this trust. She can’t repay you, and she’s totally embarrassed.
And you’re worried about getting your £82 back ???????????????????????????
If you really care about, or love this woman, you should be writing to her… telling her that the money is not important (altho’ you haven’t really got much more to spare), that her father’s health is, and your comments should not have been taken literally.
If you don’t care…….. forget her, forget her hospitality, forget her family’s welcome… and move on.