Barrio Festival - Photo Meet

After talking to most of you, it seems that some people are indeed coming to the Festival in Hounslow, what I am now trying to do is co-ordinate a meet up at the Barrio Festival.

This presents us with 2 problems, in coordinating a meet up, (no funny comments please - dont make it worse than it is)

1. How to identify fellow forum members who have not physically met as yet.

2. the Fact that there is 2 days to cover, this may mean that some come on Saturday the 16th and others come on Sunday the 17th.

So I propose the following.

It would be good after reading this post to decide if you are intending to come and if you want to be part of a group photograph

Entitled "Filipinouk Group 2005"

I can certainly bring a digital camera that is capable of taking good quality images, if anyone else has a super duper one, then by all means bring it, secondly, you have to decide if you want to meet up with other members of the forum even if its a brief meet and introductions, it will make it easier in the future if people are intending to be part of the forum discussions, I know I have a meeting with Keith on Saturday in Kent, so thats that one out of the way, I have already met Paul Thomas, and we have become acquaintances, however I have still to Meet Rob and Elsa, and perhaps one or two others.

So what I suggest you all do, is decide if you are coming, then indicate your day preference on this thread, then I would ask you to Personal message me your contact mobile telephone number that you will carry with you on the day, please make sure its switched on, suggest then we set a time to meet up, and I will attempt to coordinate everyone in attendance.

So lets see what the interest is, and lets see who is going ? remember, please indicate on this thread if you are going, what day you intend to go, and leave me your mobile phone number as a personal message to my box, I will then make up a directory and let you know who is going where.

Lets see how this works
