Quote Originally Posted by tone View Post
I'll give you my point of view although really basic point of view!

I broke up with my old gf after 10 years together and the main reason was we allowed each other to travel the world and chase our income. We spent months apart both very successful in our chosen careers and making a lot of income.
I was sent to Kuala lumpur for 9 months and initially she was supposed to come out after 3 months for 3 months but she was more focused on her job and took a new contract rather than coming out to see me.
I met my Mahal during that time and I told her she needs to come out if I meant anything to her. She came for 10 days whilst I had an operation and to be honest she made the situation worse and we didn't get on. The damage was done.
I pointed out money wasn't everything and by Xmas it was over. For me I did have a new love interest so it was easier but the point is we didn't make enough time for each other although there were other problems in our relationship this just made me realise we need to split.
She is still devastated but I've moved on and planning for a new house, and getting married to a girl who is everything my old gf wasn't.

So whilst one door closes another will open.

Going forward for me - I have a high pressure job, but when I get home I'm in husband mode and work will get parked until the next day, right now living alone I do about 70 hours a week, but when my Mahal arrives no more then 10 hrs a day for me!
The value of a relationship is paramount now I don't wanna split up in the future this one is for life.

The bottom line is time and effort is required from both partners and you only get out of it what you put in.

You can learn from the past and it can shape the future but I for one will learn from the past and make sure it doesn't happen in my future.

We are masters of our destinies...
hi tone,

thanks for sharing your story. to be honest, if he asks me, i will prefer to be with him. but he didnt do that. oh well, he used to talk about it before then he got too engaged with his work. he is busier than i am although we both hold a managerial position. i felt that he preferred his career over me and i was on the loosing end.

im happy that u found a new love. it's rare that we find someone who will complete us and would make us to go on through life. wishing u and your mahal a wonderful future together