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Thread: can i use my old passport to apply for visa while waiting for the release of the new

  1. #1
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    can i use my old passport to apply for visa while waiting for the release of the new

    i just had my passport renewed today, and it will be released on the 12th of september after paying rush fee for 1200 my old passport is still with me as they will cancel it upon the release of my new one, my old passport is due to expire on the 18th of january next year. Is it possible to apply now for my visa using this old one on july 18th so it will still be valid for 6 months and if embassy requires that 3 months processing for visa i wont have any trouble with passport bec i have a new one to be released on september? they will only be canceling the passport but not the visa once i got it right?

    i just dont want to wait that long i want to be with my husband on our fourth year anniversary!and since waiting for three months for the visa its also waiting for the passport at the same time...IT SAVES ME TIME

    any of you experience such or done same?

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    I don't know about using the old passport, but my wife paid the extra in December to expedite the fast issue and for delivery to her home.

    She finally made 5 trips to DFA and had to wait hours each time and only got her new passport when she refused to leave without it.

    Good luck with yours

  3. #3
    Respected Member myliitlehaven07's Avatar
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    thanks john, i also paid for the rush fee! and still it takes ONE MONTH to have it they are still having backlogs on the applications they had last few months when their machine started to go wrong.

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