ive just had this link posted to my fb account .
ive just had this link posted to my fb account .
in short, yes.
And they will get away with it because they know the USA is bankrupt and overstretched militarily and financially. Who is it that hold the majority of the USA's 14Tn Dollar foreign debt? China of course.
I'm sad to say that this is just the start of China's dominance, they've been buying up huge chunks of Africa, South America and Australia, they own most of the USA and Europe's sovereign debt and know they can march all around SE Asia colonising most of it completely unhindered by the west, because they own the west.
30 years from now the world will look completely different economically and politically![]()
I can't see it happening any time in the near future. Argentina is even more bankrupt than the UK. IF they are going to do it, now is the time while we are fighting wars in other parts of the world.
However, bankrupt we think we are, the UK still has the 4th largest armed forces in the world (Only the USA, CHina and Russia have larger armed forces or spend more money on armed forces than we do), Argentina knows that and knows that it won't be able to compete with an overstretched British forces.
I also doubt Argentina will get any support, apart from the usual mad dicator Latin American countries. China won't get involved because it needs trade with the UK more than it needs trade with Argentina, and Spain won't be much use to them anymore, they're going down the same road as Ireland and Greece.
Are they teaching our kids Mandarin as part of the curriculum ? NO.
Lagging behind as usual.
Instead we take Chinese students' money and educate THEM in our universities, for short-term financial gain, and pass on our technological know-how too.![]()
Totally agree.
Spot on Ian.
China's strategic positioning for world dominance has long been my soap box stance.
They have taken the economic tactics of places like Japan and made them appear harmless. They are not.
China will always take the jobs away from us.
Yes the world will become a much different place. And yes China will rape us all.
Look more deeply and see that Pinas has already been raped by China. Only abuse left to remain.
Rant over.
Blame Englishman for getting me wired up
Sorry Terpe
It will be interesting to see how South Korea and Japan stand up to China. In time China will take away their jobs too. Sadly the Japanese Tsunami may have taken Japanese economic dominance of the region back far more than we think. South Korea may have US support for now and US bases on it's soil, but I dont think they will last 5 minutes if China decides to march south along the Korean peninsula. Taiwan will get repatriated very quickly too
Yes, it's gonna be interesting to see how Japan will consolidate a global position.
There is already a huge amount of previously "made in Japan" products now made in China. Same as everywhere else.
Japan is a very homogenous and nationalistic society that can at least rely on it's domestic market. The Japanese domestic business model is culturally skewed.
I really don't have any understanding on the broader S.Korean economy.
China is just an unbelievable massive economy that still has huge poverty. Means growth and consumption has to continue.
China's surplus is too big to even imagine.
The debts they already bought up in Europe mean they have us in their sights. As consumers for their output ONLY.
Ahh enough already....
China hasn't got it all it's own way yet. Where the western manufacturers have been smart is that they still own the company that makes the product. Take an item that sells for £100 in the UK, its made in China for £10, but the Chinese only see £10, the Western company still retains £90. What we have to ensure is that Chinese companies don't buy up too many western companies and ultimately repatriate the total £100 of the product price back to China.
As the Chinese economy grows and inflation grows with it, China will become a less competitive place to manufacture products. The same thing happened to Japan, amd although it still makes some products in China and SE Asia because of cheap labour, it also make a lot of products in the USA/UK/Europe for a combination of reasons (cheaper labour than Japan, nearer to their market so there are less transport costs and also to get around import duties). Whether we like Chinese or Japanese products or not, at least if they make them in the Uk, they are providing jobs here and putting money into our economy.
well well i tend to think that there are still some arguments to be settled with the falklands.. and we now all kno of its wealth.. in gas and oil... and im sure the argentinians still want some of that...
as for china and its financial crusades kim jong is not so keen to let them advance to close to his borders.. and we all kno kim jong openly flaunts his nuclear weapons to the world esp USA...
according to the recent news that that erm present english priministeress avoided serious human rights issues with the chinese leader.. but agreed billion pound deals... no doubt selling weapons of mass destruction..![]()
I doubt it very much, China has been making it's own weapons or using Russian technology for 70 years. Who invented gunpowder? Have you seen the size of their army and how much harware they have? None of it's British, it's nearly all homemade or ex Soviet surplus. They've just spent billions recommissioning an old Soviet Aircraft carrier.
China has long since discovered a much easier,more acceptable and cheaper way.
I do like those Chinese girls though.![]()
Hmm....richest Filipina in the world too...bar the robbing Marcos of course.
Living in the Philippines if it comes down to all out fisty cuffs I hope you guy's and the aussie diggers plus the yanks get your asses over here dam fast.
I don't know what my partner and I would do......but I wouldn't cut and run![]()
Don't forget it's the Chinese-blooded families who own most of the Phils anyway.![]()
I just cant get my head around how China came up with their terratorial claims for the Spratelys et al. Looking at the map there must be at least 4 countries with better claims than them, and it doesnt seem to follow any International convention. I wonder if they would be so aggresive if the American bases hadnt been expelled.
China is claiming the Spratlys due to its claim of ancestral rights going back 1000 years. The Reed bank where the oil fields are situated are 80 nautical miles from Palawan and almost 1000 from China. Vietnam,Malaysia and Brunei are much nearer and are also claiming the disputed territories.
It is truly a David and Goliath case as Leonida Lewis states.The Philippine navy have dispatched their largest vessel to the area,the 68 year old Rajah Humabon and the area is now the location of the annual Balikatan exercise or war games with US Navy 7th fleet.
Every day here news updates are reported and emotions amongst the youth of the country are being stirred into anger and defiance,this is not an issue that will die quietly for sure.
China are determined to explore this oil field and grab the resources by hook or by crook as they are doing in South America,Africa, and Micronesia.On this issue they seem to ignore international convention.
Im just waiting for my enlistment papers!
quite similar to the falklands really.. some 200 hundred yrs ago a british sailor landed there ...stuck a note above a door saying he will be back..wots this distance some 8,000 miles away ...
Branno, what is your issue with the Falklands? The islands are inhabited by British people and the infrastructure was paid for by British taxpayers. The inhabitants want to remain British subjects, and while the majority want to bepart of Britain, they deserve the protection of Britain. If they ever vote for rule by Argentina, then so be it.
The Spratleys and Paracels are completely different, as far as I know they are inhabited by indiginous peoples who have alliegencies to a variety of countries, although most of the local infrastructure was provided by Vietnam and the Philippines, therefore strengthening these countries claims to the islands.
Can you tell me how many Argentinians live in Port Stanley and how many billions Buenos Airies has spent on the infrastructure?
The Falklands are OURS !
If we're to go down that route, the Yanks have to get out of 'America', the Ozzys out of Australia, the Spanish....etc etc.
At least we only displaced a few seabirds, which we are now protecting.![]()
englishman.. i dont have issues...i have my own points of view and i also believe that some two hundred yrs or so ago the falklands may of been inhabited by south americans..mainly argentinians... i suppose u was there on the ship that arrived there kicking out the locals and flying ur flag.... but in reallity who really laid claim or rather took it from the locals.. other countries too say they have ownership over the island... i think of it like this... if the argies had had the power of the british navy in them days and they laid claim to ireland .... id say heyyyoff .... just my views
In answer to the original question..no
I can see the Yanks back there within the next 5 years with a new naval base in the south and maybe back in Subic. With the smell of oil deals will be done![]()
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