Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
in short, yes.

And they will get away with it because they know the USA is bankrupt and overstretched militarily and financially. Who is it that hold the majority of the USA's 14Tn Dollar foreign debt? China of course.

I'm sad to say that this is just the start of China's dominance, they've been buying up huge chunks of Africa, South America and Australia, they own most of the USA and Europe's sovereign debt and know they can march all around SE Asia colonising most of it completely unhindered by the west, because they own the west.

30 years from now the world will look completely different economically and politically
Totally agree.
Spot on Ian.
China's strategic positioning for world dominance has long been my soap box stance.
They have taken the economic tactics of places like Japan and made them appear harmless. They are not.

China will always take the jobs away from us.

Yes the world will become a much different place. And yes China will rape us all.
Look more deeply and see that Pinas has already been raped by China. Only abuse left to remain.

Rant over.
Blame Englishman for getting me wired up