time for my honesty story.. not too different from above, a few years back in Puerto Princessa I took a trike from my friends hotel/dive shop up to PNB and then over to PLDT and then back down to the hotel. Having remembered to pick up the dive sack with a couple of masks (maybe £150) I managed leave my lap top case and PDA on the trike (£1000). We made appeals on the local radio that the trike drivers use, contacted their drivers association and the police etc but heard nothing for four weeks, even processed the insuraance claims

Then one day my wifes cousin in the UK got a mis call from my PDA and called it and the drivers nephew explained that they lived in te barrio and did not know about the radio appeals, they had been unwilling to give the bag to the police becasue his mates had doen that before and yet the owners never got their stuff back. They could not get into my lap top (pass worded) and were not sure how to turn on the PDA until his nephew arrived from Manila and manage to do that and use the contacts page , it was mainly Hong Kong staff and westerners international numbers but they saw the name Lusviminda and called it assuming she was Filipina... a day later he arrived at our place and as I had a welcome message on my PDA saying 1000HKD reward if found plus my assistants number in Hong Kong (very easy to leave in a taxi after a night out lol) my wife insisted in giving him 5000 pesos. he was shocked but very happy.

of course it could be that they could not find anyone to sell them to!!!!! but I believe his story and was happy to get my stuff back.

oh yes SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I never did let the insurance company know. very naughty of me