Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
Believe me ... I'm not taking a deliberate swipe at those who've given-up the 'noxious weed' ... GOOD ON them ... they're to be admired! It's those who adopt a "holier than thou" attitude thereafter, that me off!
Hi Arthur - sorry if I've come over as "holier than thou", not intended but I'm fully in favour of any smoking control measures that prevent the rest of us coming home smelling like we've been in an ashtray. Where I live the local council have provided stub it out areas on all the town centre litter bins but recently have been putting offenders who chuck the fag ends on the street before the local Magistrates - £150 fine plus costs seems to be the norm (not sure if it gets a Criminal Record). Becoming free of this wallet and health damaging addiction was the best thing I ever did - now into my 12th year.