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Thread: daughter's settlement visa refused

  1. #1
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    daughter's settlement visa refused

    hi all,
    i thank all of you that gave us advice on my daughter's visa application.unfortunately it was refused for the following reasons:
    -her biological father lives in the same village and is only a walking distance
    -she sees him by accident every now and then
    -she dined with him once with me
    -she asked money from him sometimes when she sees him.
    -my remittances is typical of filipinos that sends money to their family in the philippines.

    the father had given an affidavit that he did not support the child from the outset.
    his mother as well gave the same affidavit when we cant get hold of him.

    the ECO said that he has mother physical contact with her than me because i was in the uk for 2 years and left her to the care of my parents.

    i am now sending the records of our village hearing when i asked for financial support from him and he refused to give.i didnt remember it when we have to apply.

    my husband found an immigration lawyer in the UK and he is now ready to lodge the appeal.

    my question is, is it possible for it to be reconsidered?

    the decision is so unfair for me and my husband who were the only people that took careof her.

    the father hasnt done anything until lately when i have to beg him to give the affidavit because he has signed the birth certificate

    we will be so grateful for any positive feedbacks and advices

  2. #2
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    pursue for your right Gift

    Sometimes I think its just an extra way to get money from people too.
    Make people scared of appealing and having to pay to submit a new Visa Application..

    The embassy feel like too many of their YOUNG MEN are leaving the country..
    that was from the immigration office by the way.. not me.. lol
    If all their young men leave where will it leave their country!

    Basically everyone needs to fully read and submit their application forms with all EVIDENCE.. and not to be frightened of APPEALING their decisions..

  3. #3
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    sorry to read about the refusal..
    communications,contact,financial support from the father should NOT be there when you submitted the application ,,you provided some unnecessary information and documents which made the ECO come up with a decision that you dont have sole responsibility with your daughter.

    ''the father had given an affidavit that he did not support the child from the outset.''
    his mother as well gave the same affidavit when we cant get hold of him.

    -her biological father lives in the same village and is only a walking distance
    -she sees him by accident every now and then
    -she dined with him once with me
    -''she asked money from him sometimes when she sees him.''

    ..if your daughter is living with your parents you should have a letter from your lawyer stating that your parents is the guardian of your daughter when you left her...this concerns all the day to day activities of your daughter ,parish,church ,schools extra curricular activities even if your parents act as a guardian it should still be ''you'' who will make the last decision for her ,.. chatlogs and phone calls,remittance slips will prove this and you should provide the documents for this
    the only necessary affidavit you can get from the father is an affidavit parental consent that he allows your daughter to settle with you in the UK or more thing,we got a member here who just succesfully granted a dependent visa ''rusty'' search his name and message him for more ideas on what to include with your appeal/reconsideration..goodluck and dont lose hope!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  4. #4
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    i argree with sars gift

  5. #5
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear about your refusal.

    Without knowing what details you supplied with your application, it is difficult to give any further advice on what more you could supply.

    For our recent application for my wife’s son, we had to wait 2 years to apply for his application due to various financial reasons and while he was still in the Philippines he was staying with her parents and family.

    The biggest doubt that we had with the application was with sole responsibility. One of the reasons that I think our application was approved is that the father is not named on the birth certificate and has had very little contact and no support to his son.

    We supplied 3 letters of support in the application, from my wife as the sponsor, me as co-sponsor and the mother of my wife who has been looking after him while my wife was away.
    In these letters we explained the father’s lack of contact and also gave the reason, backed up with evidence, as to why it took that long to apply for the visa. The letters also highlighted that since my wife has been away she has kept in contact and been consulted on all decisions to do with her son. We also supplied receipts showing she supported her son since she was away.

    Good luck with your appeal.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how old is your daughter and was she call for an interview at the embassy ?

  7. #7
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    thank you all for the daughter is 15 and she was interviewd over the phone alone without prior notice or an adult present.i think one of the problem was because the father has signed the birth certificate thats why i requested an affidavit as thats what the lawyer suggested.
    we lodged our appeal already together with the copies of the documents i got that states his refusal to give financial support to my daughter when i asked h im when she started school.
    we are just praying now that the decision will be overturn and she be granted a visa so we can all go back as we have been away from my husband for over a year is so difficult and the kids are all missing their father.
    thank you so much for all the advices.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you been living with your daughter for the last year ???

  9. #9
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    yes joe, we came home with my 2nd child and my husband february last husband came back to the uk for work commitments and i stayed behind to sort my daughters visa application but my father died and 3 days after he died,i gave birth to my 3rd child via CS coz he wqas 1 month early, maybe the stress made him came early hence the delay of the application.

    we are just really praying now as my daughter is not enrolled at school here coz we were confident that she will get a visa but she might have to miss a whole year of school which is very very sad

  10. #10
    Respected Member sweet_cookie08's Avatar
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    hi Gift,

    i need advise as well on applying for my daughter's visa. where can I contact you? i need help and advise.



  11. #11
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    hi sweet_cookie08
    you can either email me or ym. i dont know if i can give u my email address here.but here it is anyway.gifterlien at yahoo dot com

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