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  1. #1
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    what the hell (or heaven) is going on here??

    I go to work for 8 hours and suddenly I am being DEIFIED and VILIFIED simultaneously (alan, tell the scouser and manc wot that means please LOL)!

    If u want to worship me u can, but u got a lot of repenting to do for your sins of being from Manc and Liverp! lol!

    everyone knows that jesus was born and bred in belfast, it says so in the bible!


  2. #2
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    Tom, you did not mention anything about being god Is Marivic Catholic?

    My husband and I did not get married in church, because in order to get married in church in the Philippines at that time, I had to put him through the long process wherein we can be married in a catholic church, and I am not that devout catholic to put him through that I'm afraid.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Liliput39 View Post
    Tom, you did not mention anything about being god Is Marivic Catholic?

    My husband and I did not get married in church, because in order to get married in church in the Philippines at that time, I had to put him through the long process wherein we can be married in a catholic church, and I am not that devout catholic to put him through that I'm afraid.

    Mar is a protestant

    same as me

    we will have a church wedding

    we're doing things the "godly" way

    being pure before marriage, and probably getting married by a minister (i'll let her and her family organise that)

    we will have a second ceremony here in UK and it will be religious


  4. #4
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    Mar is a protestant

    same as me

    we will have a church wedding

    we're doing things the "godly" way

    being pure before marriage, and probably getting married by a minister (i'll let her and her family organise that)

    we will have a second ceremony here in UK and it will be religious

    I am happy for you TOM!!! Don't forget to send me the invitation card!!!

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    That'll be the 'Irisih Bible' written by little green men who live under bridges
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
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    So how does a non-believer react when their aeroplane crashes? Do they pray to God then? Its so convenient to call up God when it suits us isn't it?

  7. #7
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by walesrob View Post
    So how does a non-believer react when their aeroplane crashes? Do they pray to God then? Its so convenient to call up God when it suits us isn't it?

    I will not stay still and pray for salvation that is for sure!

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  8. #8
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ...and you've questioned all these people before they hit the ground to discover exactly what they were thinking, or are you going by Hollywood?
    Keith - Administrator

  9. #9
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ...and you've questioned all these people before they hit the ground to discover exactly what they were thinking, or are you going by Hollywood?

    That's humor!!!

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  10. #10
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    If you are a believer, there is no IF'S, NO BUT's, NO PERHAPS, No Doubts in God.
    There are also UNBELIEVERS who don't believe God exist but when they have big problems, they are learning to call God! Are you one of them?

  11. #11
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    If you are a believer, there is no IF'S, NO BUT's, NO PERHAPS, No Doubts in God.
    There are also UNBELIEVERS who don't believe God exist but when they have big problems, they are learning to call God! Are you one of them?

    My faith lies in HUMAN CAPACITY, LOVE and DOING GOOD THINGS to others.

    I am not a BELIEVER, and when I have big problems, I don't call GOD to resolve it for me. I believe in doing good to others to give love and respect I think this is the only doctrine that might save MAN to it's downfall.
    I feel for those people who commit crime, for those children who suffer from abuses, those that dies of hunger, those who got less in life, those who are victims of war, the sick people, the old ones that dying slowly and lonely, those who are being neglected of what you call GODs blessings. Why so much hate? why so much killing? why so much "evil" all over the world? I don't blame GOD for what had happened and for what is happening all over the world, what we witnessed and what we are NOW witnessing is all MANs artefice. Our History is there to tell us.
    What I fear? I fear of MANs capacity to devastate, to hate, to ruin, to annihilate, to do unimaginable things of destruction.
    What I want and what are my creed? Eradicate ignorance and hope that man can open his eyes, that our salvation is in our hands to save human race from it's own destruction.
    Where do God fits in all of this? You will tell me that everything that happened and is and will happen is already predicted in the BIBLE? That his teaching is so sacred that I am not allowed to question it? That I have to be obedient to his law so I will have my soul saved from the fire of hell? Who wrote the BIBLE? Who wrote the TEN COMMANDMENTS? Who crucified Jesus Christ? No, don't answer me... you are entitled to live your belief for that is your right as a human being, I don't force my belief to anyone, I refuse to let myself to believe in false beliefs and live my life in blind faith.

    I am a Christian because it is a FAMILY tradition but I do not count myself as one. I have been raised up in an old traditional ROMAN CATHOLIC church (Family Genealogy Manila 1814). I had my first encounter with religion reading Old Testament and New at the age of 6. I have not changed my religion views just because of mere fanatic fantasy and to gain praises. I have seen poverty, I have seen richness, I witnessed hate and destruction. I want to live a life full of awareness and consciousness and there is only space for love and respect to one another in my heart.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  12. #12
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    The bible has been written and edited so many times through history,what is the truth???,i dont know,its my faith i believe in God..Did jesus exist,was he real?? Of course he was,theres enough proof,or do we just deny it,because we may as well deny that dinosaurs existed too if we deny Jesus.You have great compassion and morals,and if more had the same then the world would be a far more beautiful place.But i feel without faith my life is empty.It may sound strange to some,but i have had my prayers answered many many times. I believe that everyone whos loved ones are sick or dying and God forbid thier child,prays to God help me ,help my loved one..Sadly this prayer isnt answered many times,we and they die.But my faith gives me hope that perhaps someday i will be with those i loved and cherished so much again for eternity.And i get comfort in my faith believing in Jesus and in God,so ill wish you Godbless!!!

  13. #13
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    Many thanks for your kind words Jeffro - and good luck to PNE for the coming season.


  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alan View Post
    Many thanks for your kind words Jeffro - and good luck to PNE for the coming season.

    Hi Alan and to your beautiful wife and family too!!,,thanks so much !!!,and of course Godbless and care for your loved always As for PNE,i think a little miracle is needed ,ha!!,im just happy the football season is here again !!

  15. #15
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
    The bible has been written and edited so many times through history,what is the truth???,i dont know,its my faith i believe in God..Did jesus exist,was he real?? Of course he was,theres enough proof,or do we just deny it,because we may as well deny that dinosaurs existed too if we deny Jesus.You have great compassion and morals,and if more had the same then the world would be a far more beautiful place.But i feel without faith my life is empty.It may sound strange to some,but i have had my prayers answered many many times. I believe that everyone whos loved ones are sick or dying and God forbid thier child,prays to God help me ,help my loved one..Sadly this prayer isnt answered many times,we and they die.But my faith gives me hope that perhaps someday i will be with those i loved and cherished so much again for eternity.And i get comfort in my faith believing in Jesus and in God,so ill wish you Godbless!!!
    Yes Jesus exist as well his teaching. None of us have denied it here so far as I am aware. It might also sound strange to some but I feel emptiness in my life when I witnessed children being abused and left abandoned to their own destiny...I feel emptiness seeing old sick lonely people..I feel emptiness seeing people dying victims of war or whatever...I feel emptiness in my life when I witness all these things. Seeing children not only on my own land begging on the street for a piece of bread, seeing family living in a carbon house, sick poor disabled people who suffer silently because nothing they can do to change their destiny who will ever hear their voice?...What are my sufferings compares to them? What good I did to merit me all this blessings and them not? My own little world doesn't allow me much to make a remarkable changes for it...I would...if only I have the power to ease pain, poverty and sufferings for those who have less blessings than I. I don't know what it would be mean for me to live in a paradise to endure never ending happiness in after life?... leaving this life with all those suffering people that will be left behind after I am gone...I will be happy? Does my happiness lies only for those person I love? I love human race and I would do what I am allowed to contribute with my short life.

    Anyway, enough of sad things... I think I have already emptied myself of what my beliefs are.

    "For you a thousand times over"
    The Kite Runner

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    Yes Jesus exist as well his teaching. None of us have denied it here so far as I am aware. It might also sound strange to some but I feel emptiness in my life when I witnessed children being abused and left abandoned to their own destiny...I feel emptiness seeing old sick lonely people..I feel emptiness seeing people dying victims of war or whatever...I feel emptiness in my life when I witness all these things. Seeing children not only on my own land begging on the street for a piece of bread, seeing family living in a carbon house, sick poor disabled people who suffer silently because nothing they can do to change their destiny who will ever hear their voice?...What are my sufferings compares to them? What good I did to merit me all this blessings and them not? My own little world doesn't allow me much to make a remarkable changes for it...I would...if only I have the power to ease pain, poverty and sufferings for those who have less blessings than I. I don't know what it would be mean for me to live in a paradise to endure never ending happiness in after life?... leaving this life with all those suffering people that will be left behind after I am gone...I will be happy? Does my happiness lies only for those person I love? I love human race and I would do what I am allowed to contribute with my short life.

    Anyway, enough of sad things... I think I have already emptied myself of what my beliefs are.

    "For you a thousand times over"
    The Kite Runner
    Your words and thoughts are full of compassion and love for everyone who suffers,and you suffer too because you care. Your heart cares and you will be saddened many times by what you see happening around us.You help as much as you possibly can by the goodness you do and your compassion you show to others.But sadly you cant take the world on your shoulder,you have to find happiness for yourself ,and not feel guilty because you are happy.
    Be happy and smile always
    best wishes always to you and your loved ones ,
    jeff and Maria

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
    Your words and thoughts are full of compassion and love for everyone who suffers,and you suffer too because you care. Your heart cares and you will be saddened many times by what you see happening around us.You help as much as you possibly can by the goodness you do and your compassion you show to others.But sadly you cant take the world on your shoulder,you have to find happiness for yourself ,and not feel guilty because you are happy.
    Be happy and smile always
    best wishes always to you and your loved ones ,
    jeff and Maria
    LOL Jeff, I am not a sad bitter individual who carry all the suffering in this world...I am a conscious happy person and that is the difference. I am not guilty as I have done nothing harm to anyone and I live fully every moment of my happiness for it is a moment to treasure.
    More happiness to you and to your love ones.

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peanutz View Post
    LOL Jeff, I am not a sad bitter individual who carry all the suffering in this world...I am a conscious happy person and that is the difference. I am not guilty as I have done nothing harm to anyone and I live fully every moment of my happiness for it is a moment to treasure.
    More happiness to you and to your love ones.
    Hi Peanutz,everyone knows your a warm and happy person,and everyones happy your happy!!
    Happiness always to you and your loved ones too,salamat!!!!

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by jeffro View Post
    Your words and thoughts are full of compassion and love for everyone who suffers,and you suffer too because you care. Your heart cares and you will be saddened many times by what you see happening around us.You help as much as you possibly can by the goodness you do and your compassion you show to others.But sadly you cant take the world on your shoulder,you have to find happiness for yourself ,and not feel guilty because you are happy.
    Be happy and smile always
    best wishes always to you and your loved ones ,
    jeff and Maria

    Absolutely Bulls eye

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Absolutely Bulls eye
    Thankyou pennybarry,thats so kind of you !!,our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones
    Jeff and Maria

  21. #21
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    "beware The Ides Of March"

    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Absolutely Bulls eye

    Et tu, Brute?


    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  22. #22
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    There is more proof of dinosaurs than Jesus, and yet 42% of Americans believe in the latter, but not the former

    .....and they've speeded up radioactive isotope carbon dating so it only goes back 6000 years
    Keith - Administrator

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    There is more proof of dinosaurs than Jesus, and yet 42% of Americans believe in the latter, but not the former

    .....and they've speeded up radioactive isotope carbon dating so it only goes back 6000 years
    :well Jesus was nicer than T.rex not many people believed Red Rum would win his 3rd Grand national too!! having faith helps !!

  24. #24
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    maybe a liberal faith is the way to go

  25. #25
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    [quote=bigtombowski;22508]DOES GOD EXIST?

    I respect people whatever their belief.

    But if I read God backwards then yeah it does exist.

  26. #26
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    Hope you all like this song about heaven .

  27. #27
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    of course i will

    after all

    u did help us soooo much!


    (if u can travel to Oriental negros for the ceremony rite? or just the UK one? or BOTH?!)!

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    of course i will

    after all

    u did help us soooo much!


    (if u can travel to Oriental negros for the ceremony rite? or just the UK one? or BOTH?!)!
    Maybe in UK is much better?

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


  29. #29
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    you've forgotten ur roots!


    ur one of us now, right? lol

  30. #30
    Respected Member Peanutz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bigtombowski View Post
    you've forgotten ur roots!


    ur one of us now, right? lol
    WRONG! I just left the bad ones, I kept and cultivate the good side...

    'We dance in a circle and suppose, while the secret sits in the middle and knows'


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