Sounds just like my bro-in-law making Tuba
Fresh Tuba is essentially the sap from the unopened coconut flower (lovingly and delicately collected) Without any processing or intervention it will naturally ferment fairly quickly. Within one day and not more than 2 days it will, magically and mysteriously, become an alcoholic drink.
Lambanog is an alcoholic beverage distilled from the fresh Tuba. Sort of eau de vie of the Philippines.
Well known amongst it's aficionado's for its potency and high alcohol content, it is usually 80 to 90 proof, but easily available to 160 proof, if desired.
In all honesty it's really wonderful stuff, the sweetness imparts a fatal attraction and yet, hides it's deadly danger.
Bit like a woman really
Overall it's a good candidate for poetic praise. (Bit like a woman again)
Oh, it also makes a truly great vinegar