I have heard of cases where Filipinos have been conned by foreigners here. I know of a balikbayan who had worked hard for many years and saved his cash. He was taken for 10,000USD by an American.
At first when I heard the details,I was sceptical but was shown copies of post dated cheques issued by the scammer.copy of the criminal case that had been filed and a photo of the scammer.
It was amazing that someone who on the outside seemed wise and intelligent,well travelled and streetwise could be fooled so easily.
The story was that the American,after building a friendly relationship explained that he was waiting for his retirement funds to clear and be remitted but needed some cash in the meantime and if a loan could be provided he would pay back with interest and a goodwill payment of $2k.The retirement sum that was mentioned was simply absurd $4m which one would imagine would raise doubts and suspicion but nevertheless the victim fell for it hook line and sinker.
The victim appeared at my house with a neighbour in the hope that I may know someone,another foreigner who could identify the con artist from the photo. I kept the photo for a while and asked around but without success.Despite his utter stupidity I had to feel sorry for the victim who had little to show for his years of toil and sacrifice,seperated from his family.