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Thread: Stop Murdoch Petition

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Stop Murdoch Petition

    This is from 38 Degrees:

    How much lower can Rupert Murdoch's media empire sink? Today, one of his papers stands accused of hacking the phone of murdered teenager Milly Dowler, causing her family even more pain, and risking a police inquiry. [1]

    Rupert Murdoch's empire is now under investigation by the police. [2] But at the same time, he’s getting ready to take even more control of our media. This week, Murdoch’s expecting to get the green light from David Cameron’s government for his takeover of BSkyB. [3]

    If we work together, we can make sure this week doesn't end with Murdoch getting awarded even more power. Let's stand together for higher media standards and against Murdoch's latest power grab.

    Help break Murdoch's grip, sign the petition now:

    The final government inquiry into Murdoch's power grab ends this Friday at midday. [4] We'll deliver a copy of the petition to the inquiry - demanding that the phone hacking allegations are taken into account and the deal is halted.

    The government wants to approve Murdoch’s BSkyB takeover. They say that Murdoch promises to respect media independence, so there's nothing to fear from giving him even more control. They want us to trust Rupert Murdoch! [5] But how can we trust Murdoch when his paper stands accused of hacking into the phone of a murdered teenager?

    We’ve got until noon on Friday to prove to the government that the public wants the brakes put on Murdoch’s power grab. Let's get over 100,000 signatures by then – add your name now:
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    Signed it Keith
    Murdoch is a vile scumball, I've never liked him or his empire and have always refused to buy/subscribe to his products (apart from a brief spell with Sky broadband, to my shame)

  3. #3
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Signed and link posted on my Facebook

  4. #4
    Respected Member
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    The character Elliot Carver in the Bond film The World is not enough portrays a psychotic megalomaniac supposedly based on Rupert for thought...diba?

  5. #5
    Respected Member
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    added a FB link now too

  6. #6
    Respected Member Farmerg's Avatar
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