I kinda noticed that a lot of foreign men on the internet flock to the Philippines to look for a nice Filipina wife. But in my travels there are good women anywhere you go, it sort of depends whether you connect with a particular person or not.
I kinda noticed that a lot of foreign men on the internet flock to the Philippines to look for a nice Filipina wife. But in my travels there are good women anywhere you go, it sort of depends whether you connect with a particular person or not.
btw..'ve known a few guys who have gone to the Philippines to find a wife, and I think the reason is those poor women are indeed very poor, and very used to be treated badly, so the prospect of having some security and a "better" life with a forigner sounds attractive to them. And the prospect of being with an beautiful, young, submissive woman who will think they are hot shots is attractive to these men. It's actually very sad for the women.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
For me one of the attractions is the dedication to their family.
When my father became disabled & his health deteriorated I became his carer as I did not want him to go into a care home. I found that many British women were put off by this and thought that I had something wrong with me& many British women believe that its better to put a family member in a home rather than sacrifice their social life. After joining a penpal site & chatting with Filipinos, I found that it was the opposite attitude with Filipino women & that putting family members first before yourself was considered a good thing for a future partner to believe in.
I am quite old fashioned in my views about what is acceptable in relationships & I found that Filipino women believe in the same values for relationships & families as I do.
I never went to Pinas looking for a woman(By the way,your a neighbour if you live in Bajada
Generalisation,my friend keith once gave his mum-in-law the costs for the birth of his child to pay the healthcare bill when she went to the hospital to visit her daughter and grand-child,the mum-in-law went missing for several days and turned up shamefacedly,she had lost the lot at MahjongFor me one of the attractions is the dedication to their familyLoads of similar cases,looking after a family or family values isnt ethnicity-specific as a trait,its individuals,nothing whatsoever to do with ethnicities,I know a pinay almost 70 years old working her ass off stateside with 3 seperate jobs,her daughter and son sit in pinas with their partners and kids waiting for remittances,that sure isnt looking after their mum to me
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
Your correct Tawi2, you can't say a person will be a certain way because of where they were born.
I would like to point out that during my fathers first stay in hospital prior to me becoming his carer that the English/ European / Eastern European nurses were saying to me " why do you want to care for him, your lose your social life, put him in a care home " & offering no support where as the African / Asian nurses were giving me support and advice & telling me I was doing the right thing.
I would have thought the answer to this question is both blatantly obvious and has been done to death by the jealous and the stirrers now.
Given the CHOICE, would I rather have a young beautiful g/f or wife, or an old hag more my age.
Can I meet a suitable and willing young lady in the Philippines ? Probably.
It's not rocket science.
i think women in general wants some security both financial and emotional no matter where they come from...wether they are poor or not..westener or asian..one thing for sure they wanted a man whom will give them a better and happy life more than what they have. who would settle for less anyway :
and for man regardless of their age...always wanted a nice beautiful wife.
I suppose she'd have to be alive.
The older and uglier, the more money she'd need to put in my bank account first.![]()
wrong reasons why foreign men look for a Filipina wife:
- Pinays are submissive, egoistical men dont like being challenged by women....they always believe they're right hence wife should not challenge him to be wrong
- being poor, men think they can buy Pinays and do their bidding....these women become indebted to these men and being Pinay we have that 'utang na loob', paying it for a lifetime
- being feminine and exotic looking, these men think Pinays are trophy or a doll to parade and brag to their ignorant friends
I can make the list longer but that is being bias.
the Right reasons why foreign men look for a Filipina or a good woman (nationality is irrelevant):
- love for family. A woman who loves her family is a sign that she'll be a good mother, will give the same love to her own family.
- recognize the authority of a man. A woman in love knows when and how to submit to her husband, not because she is weak but because of love and respect for her husband as the head of the family.
- faith and inner strength. A man needs his woman to be on his side during hard times. A good wife gives strength to her husband by staying strong and positive during the storm.
- for simply being beautiful. A beauty that is not superficial, being true to her self.
- smile...a genuine smile makes a woman attractive.
foreigner or not, good men and women are everywhere
love makes life worth living
i agree with you on that sweet note..![]()
Not a vital factor but the UK OAP is still indexed linked if we live in Philippines.
In my case I found a Thai woman when I was in Malaysia, visiting Thailand for a few days to renew my visa. I tried to get a visa for her to come to Spain but it did not work out. I later discovered that she had a serious health problem so, although I continued to send a her some money each week, I finished the relationship (incidentally after about 6 months she called me, thanked me for the money and said she would be be OK from then on so not to send any more).
When I told my children that I had thought I would look in Phil for a GF they said great, as "All Thai women are prostitutes but all Filipinos are nurses." Ridiculous stereotyping.
That was over 6 years ago. My Filipino wife has lived in Spain over 5 years now. I definitely made the right choice.
who knows where our love will take us, yes there are good men and women all over the world, some poor some rich, its what atracts us to each other that matters,i can say i love my wife with all my heart, that is all that matters to me where ever she came from, i dont think its a way out because they are poor or we are old and looking for that younger person to make us feel young at all, i still think i am in my 30s, till i look in the mirror,and the poor thing, well we are both the richer for coming together, i just thank god that we have found one another and can make our lives wonderful
the trouble is a lot of brittish men still dont know where the philippines is, they think its part of thailand![]()
map I only know is the world map, to pinpoint the countries in each continents....but if it's something to do with direction, what route to take, etc, I'll be as lost like your wife....I dont know, giving and remembering direction is not my strong suit
btw, thanks for the rep to the one who give me. much appreciated, thank you
Last edited by sweetnote143; 7th July 2011 at 09:40. Reason: forgot to say thank you
love makes life worth living
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