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  1. #1
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    hi everyone i need help my fiencee has been seperated nearly 5 years is it posible to get a letter from her ex saying he releases her from there marrage as he has got another woman and a new familey will she still need to go through devorce anulment any help will be great

  2. #2
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    first, where is your fiancee located? if she is located here in the Philippines im sorry to tell you but she has to undergone the long process of annulment. A letter from her EX husband is not enough for her to get annulment so easily. It will take like 3-5 years processing and will consume amount of money.

  3. #3
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Yes im afraid she still needs to go thru the annulment process. It is a pain in the butt however many here have gone thru it.
    I myself have just married my wife the annulment dragged on and on but mine took just over the year.
    In our case it was filed then wait and wait....but once things got moving it was quite quick.
    Be prepared for much frustration ....get a decent lawyer. I think there is a thread on here which shows whats needed to obtain an annulment...........I wish you well, if shes the one for you then it will all be worth it in the end.
    Chin up

  4. #4
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    many thanks she is the one she has a uncle whos a lawyer she has a appointment today

  5. #5
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    i have just been talking with my fiencee in phil she has just informed me that when they went to office to marry the major was not there and the cleark told them to sign the marrage cert and she would have major sign when he got back my fiencee said she had no rings no photos nothing also she did not go through wedding vouse like you would with a registrar any one can help many thanks ps, sorry for spelling my brain not comunicating with my finger

  6. #6
    Respected Member Moy's Avatar
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    hi hawk
    It’s not unusual for a western male to fall in love with a Filipina who is married. It’s hardly as scandalous as it sounds, though. The fact is that divorce has been impossible in the Philippines for almost fifty years. It literally does not exist. As a result, when a Filipino marriage begins to fall apart, the husband and wife have two options. They can either live together and suffer each other’s company or they can split up and move away from one another. Either way, they remain married.
    This is a personal decision that should not be taken lightly. While divorce is not allowed in the Philippines, the fact that the law provides for annulment means that there are meritorious instances that would justify the annulment of marriage.
    There are certain institutions where you could seek free legal assistance. Start with the Public Attorney’s Office (PAO), although they may or may not accept your case, depending on their load (they’re usually overloaded with cases). The Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) and certain law schools, provide free legal aid. Remember, however, that your request may be denied because there are other important cases handled by these institutions.
    Annulment is simply a voided marriage. In the eyes of the Philippine government and the Catholic Church, an annulled marriage is a marriage that never really happened. It’s as if someone stepped into a time machine and traveled back in time and prevented the marriage from ever occurring. This is different from divorce, where everyone agrees there was a marriage, but that the divorce “ends” the marriage. Divorce terminates something that really existed – a marriage. Annulment points out that there never really was a marriage, thus there’s no need for divorce, and nothing to prevent the individuals in the annulled marriage from marrying again. Well, not exactly “again”, since the first marriage never happened, right? You get the idea.

  7. #7
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    hawk, you have replies in your other thread.
    In principle you must check with NSO in Manila to determine marital status.
    It certainly would not be the first 'bogus' wedding.

    At this stage I would avoid anyone making any contact with the 'ex' regarding this issue.
    I would especially avoid involving yourself.

  8. #8
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    hawk, you have replies in your other thread.
    In principle you must check with NSO in Manila to determine marital status.
    It certainly would not be the first 'bogus' wedding.

    At this stage I would avoid anyone making any contact with the 'ex' regarding this issue.
    I would especially avoid involving yourself.
    VERY wise words esp concerning yourself.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. #9
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Whatever you do, DO NOT HAVE ANY CONTACT WITH THE EX.The court will think you have done a deal

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