So, I have some good news that Viva is now my girlfriend!As mentioned just now in my blog, it turned out that she wasn't able to see me as much as she wanted because her mum is quite protective and was worried about her travelling outside of London with someone that she didn't know so well. So for my Birthday I went out for the day with Viva and her mum, then took Viva out for a meal in the evening where she had secretly bought me a birthday cake and presents!
I saw her 2 more times after that before she went back and have kept in touch since, which has increased to nearly every day with sometimes twice a day.
I recently sent her some birthday cards, some photos of me and us when she was here + a couple of other bits for her birthday at the end of May (but they arrived late as the post took so long!) -she had most of her presents on her last day here before she went back. Anyway, she framed 2 photos-one of us and one of me and framed the others + has said before that she looks at them each night before she goes to sleep! So when chatting last Sunday I plucked up the courage to ask her (we had slightly skirting around it before with asking things about how we felt etc) and she said yes!
We're keeping it a little quiet at the moment and also partly because she has lots of business customers + a big family on her Facebook. She said that she'd told her mum though! What the future holds for us we don't know, but we're giving it a go!
So the next thing is, once I have sold my other car to pay off other bills, I can then concentrate in sorting out my flat to get a lodger in, which will mean I can concentrate in saving to go and see her. She wants to come here again soon, but not sure who will go to see the other first!
Here's some pics: