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Thread: Are we all to blame??

  1. #1
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Are we all to blame??

    So the NoW is closing down, but let us consider one thing has society in general stooped so low in its standards, and morals that some saw the need/desire to get 'news' by any means???
    Indeed is the hacking into a celebs fone news???, the public may be interested , but is it always in the public interest.
    Imagine how you or I would feel if our fones and private lives had been hacked, imagine therefore the unimaginable trauma the families of Milly Dowler and others feel.
    Gossip my friends is quite simply evil, and we are all guilty of feeding that inquisitve nature. As someone recently said 'Are we so desirous of gossip that millions will pay for publications that intrude into the lives of politicians, public figures, actors and even private citizens who have suffered tragedy at the hands of terrorists?'

    Morals and decency have been in a steady decline for many years........Gossip , telling tales like children , and Intrusion into someone elses business ...that is not news
    . We need to raise the bar as a society ...we need to raise our standards.

    I ask the question are we all to blame???

  2. #2
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    am i missing something here, but is it the police giving details to some of the press for money, i am sure i heard that said, but it seems to have gone quite

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I've only ever read the Racing Post since the mid 80's so don't blame me
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    I gave up reading the NoW or any other Sunday paper years ago

  5. #5
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Only bought the Telegraph up to a few years ago, now they just take to long to read.
    A concise report of the news can be had from the Financial Times and they have had an offer on for a while,
    4 Weeks papers delivered to your door for a £1. before it goes on to another rate of subscription. When you cancel in the 3rd week they offer you another 4 weeks at a £1.
    I read the Daily Mail on line ,that`s another mostly crap paper but lots of pictures but at least its still free at the moment.

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