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Thread: Lodge my son's Family Visiting Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Lodge my son's Family Visiting Visa

    Appointment at the 9:30 am on the 25th of July. Hope he can make it this time.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    how old is your son ? and why a visit visa and not a settlement visa ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    how old is your son ? and why a visit visa and not a settlement visa ?

    it's a long story. When I lodged my visa last April 2008, he doesnt want to come with me. Last 2009, after separated from his GF, he wants to come & live w/ us. I lodged his settlement visa papers and got an appointment after his 18th bday...Still we were hoping. It was alright & last minute he was being called for another apperance bcoz the embassy found out that he has a daughter from his GF. He doesn't want the daughter to be included in the paper they are totally separated with his GF & hardly seen his child...It's so hard to explain as he has his own mind as well. This is our only last resort at the moment because I am 15 weeks & 6 days pregnant and we wanted him to be here. Our solicitor in the UK said that's the only thing we can do and let's see what happens after he's granted this visa. He is now 20. Totally adult

  4. #4
    Respected Member hawk's Avatar
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    you cant make him he may still hopes to get back with gf why not let him jion you later when hes ready

  5. #5
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hawk View Post
    you cant make him he may still hopes to get back with gf why not let him jion you later when hes ready

    it's he's decision. he wants to come to visit me & his step-father. he had no relationship after that (almost 3 yrs). he missed the child but the GF was just so playful w/ his heart. he's also excited to see his new sibling in the future. I am due on the 25th Dec. Hope he'll be around.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    20yrs old, does he work ? , if he does work, sorry to tell you i think he little chance of getting a settlement visa to join you

    , but i hope i'm wrong, only way is for a family visit visa and that might be difficult to get because of what reasons does he have to return to the phils

  7. #7
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    20yrs old, does he work ? , if he does work, sorry to tell you i think he little chance of getting a settlement visa to join you

    , but i hope i'm wrong, only way is for a family visit visa and that might be difficult to get because of what reasons does he have to return to the phils

    he's not working right now. he cannot wait to come & visit us. He was denied when I processed his settlement visa before (pls see the thread above). Now, we process a family visiting visa for him.
    Yes, he's going to return back to the Philippines and see how he feels living in the UK. If he loves England then we will do another step & that I still don't know. At the moment we are just hoping the his visiting will be approve so that he can see his new sibling on xmas day & see how he gets on with the weather & food

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    he's no longer a minor, from what you've said he's been leading an independent life style from you.
    why was he refused a settlement visa b4 ?

    family visit visa, student visa but if he wants to settle in the UK, i think he'll have to do it without being a dependent of you.

  9. #9
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    he doesn't want to come with me when he was 17...when he separated from his GF, he change his mind & want to come & live with us. I lodged his papers and got an appointment after his bday (turns 18th). Everythings ok but he was asked to come for an interview. The problem was he had a child from that GF & we didn't put it in his papers as he said, he accepted it that he will never be reunited with the GF. That's why he was denied.

    we thought of processing a family visiting visa for him as what the solicitor said before he's considered adult & leading and independent life & let him experience if he really wants to settle here. I cannot think of something else at the moment

  10. #10
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    I think it would be kinder for you to visit him in the Phils when you are able to (with your new child).

    Even if you can get him a visit to UK, probably he will want to stay here, and it's most unlikely that he will be allowed to do that or to work he will forever be disappointed and miss you even more, because of that 'taste of honey'.

  11. #11
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    I think it would be kinder for you to visit him in the Phils when you are able to (with your new child).

    Even if you can get him a visit to UK, probably he will want to stay here, and it's most unlikely that he will be allowed to do that or to work he will forever be disappointed and miss you even more, because of that 'taste of honey'.
    tks for the thought Graham. We always visit Philipines. But now that I am 15 weeks & 6 days on the way, I don't feel like travelling. But we will have the baptism in the Philippines coz I will be due on xmas day. That's the reason why I thought of him to visit me as he wanted it too & excited to see his future sibling. I love visiting the family in the Philippines & I hate the parting ways it always breaks my heart

  12. #12
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    I know what you mean, but we took our boy back to visit his relations in Bicol when he was only 3 months old, and he was fine. It was good that his mum breast fed him the whole time though, because we knew that he wouldn't get infections so easily.

    We stayed in the province with the family for 4 months, and made many trips from the UK to the Phils (and Hong Kong) with him after that.

    Our second trip where he lived there from 14 months to almost 4 years old:

  13. #13
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    thank u for sharing this lovely photo. Same here. We will visit again on April next year, our little one would be around 4months that time...

  14. #14
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    Ur welcome...happy days then.

    He's a big strong, but still sooo loveable 17 year-old now.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Maria B's Avatar
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    time flies...

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