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Thread: Tourist visa denied

  1. #1
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    Tourist visa denied

    Hi everyone,

    Just lookn for any information.
    My filipino gf of 3 years just had a request for a 3 mnth tourist visa to the Uk denied.
    2 reasons. First was we didnt supply bank acct details of the sponsor ( although they did have 2 wage slips ) so I can sort out the bank acct bit easy. BUT...second reason was that they said they did nit believe she would return to the Philippines !!...they said she has no job ( true ) and therefore no reason to return. They do know that she has 2 children ( she is now separated ) and she takes care of one of them. So their second reason is really down to one persons personal feelins, however untrue and distasteful.
    Has any1 experiened the same reason for a refusal ? doea any1 have any ideas of the best thing to do now ? We can appeal but it seems this takes a very long time for an outcome 3/4 mnths is that true ? Or we can apply again with bank statements and more letters of support stating that she will be returning. ( we already sent 3 letters of support from my family with the application that was denied ) thanks.

  2. #2
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    Hi there Trevor, welcome here.

    Sorry to hear about the refusal. I understand the disappointment for you both.
    The refusal reasons given are really the most common.
    Tourist visa is very very tricky to secure.
    Firstly, I must tell you there is no appeal procedure available. That's only for family visit.

    You would need to re-apply and be sure that the application completley countered ALL the reasons for refusal.
    A 3 month tourist visa will require very significant financial resources.
    Sorry not to have all details of your application, but in addition to adequate funds for the TOURIST duration the applicant needs to convince to ECO of compelling reasons to return home. Sadly children are not always considered as such.

    You can of course apply again. In principle the second application will be considered on it's own merits. The visa is not too expensive so may be well worth the effort and cost.
    The application MUST be fully compliant with requirements and the sponsors letter must also be well supported with full documentation (ie Passport ID, Pay slips, P60's, Bank statements etc, Accomodation details with overcrowding, what will be done during the 3 months etc) Remember, even the request is for 2 weeks the visa will be valid for 6 months.
    Then MOST IMPORTANT the applicant (your g/f) MUST convince the ECO she will actually return to Pinas. This often means not making any mention of any b/f in UK.
    To be honest this is probably the most key issue.
    Letters from employers are key etc

    Sorry if my words sound harsh, that's not intended. Just trying to help you.
    Maybe better for you to visit Pinas than she will visit UK unless you can pin down everything securely for the application.

    Take care, God Bless and good luck

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you have very limited groups for appeal for a tourist visa as terpe has said, you really dont have any rights to appeal except those listed on your refusal letter, which in reality means no rights. unlike a family visit visa where you have full rights to an appeal.

    better making a fresh app with new evidence. reasons to go back is a tough one, a simple family tree showing most if not all her family live in the phils, she wants to come and visit again next year etc and doesn't want to jeopardise future visa apps by overstaying etc..

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