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Thread: What's the Food Like on KLM?

  1. #1
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    What's the Food Like on KLM?

    I'll be flying with KLM soon, and not having used them before I wondering if I need to take sandwiches or not. Do they supply butties/snacks? If so what are they? Etc....
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #2
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    yep they supply food. 2 meals and 2 or 3 snacks i think if i counted it right. . they have butties,noodles and nuts. make sure you're awake when they're serving it or you'll be

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    What's on the butties? I got some on SIA last time, 3 different types in the one pack, they were all the worst butties I'd ever tasted
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Well I think it's gone downhill a bit, but it's edible, if you're not too fussy.
    Steer clear, of the 'scrambled egg' for breakfast...makes me thinking about it.

    You usually get a choice of chicken or beef, with rice, for your dinner, a bread roll etc. & pudding, then during the 'night', it's a cup noodle, or sandwiches (quite nice).

    You always get a packet of peanuts, shortly after take-off, which is welcome.
    Yeah it's ok really.

    Have to say KLM are very good at keeping your liquid levels up, they're around all the time with drinks.

  5. #5
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    they have ham or cheese and can't remember if they do chicken as well. they have good service too.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lime View Post
    yep they supply food. 2 meals and 2 or 3 snacks i think if i counted it right. . they have butties,noodles and nuts. make sure you're awake when they're serving it or youl be
    Agreed ! No need to bring your own food or drinks. I flew with KLM last year and will be happy to fly again with them. After searching I booked direct - no middle man, and it was cheapest. I did find the headphones were not great - ended up watching " Mr Bean " ( doesn't need sound ) and an interactive tagalog learning programme. They did have the same films on my return flight 3 weeks later.
    A passenger had a heart attack on the outward flight, causing a slight delay after landing at NAIA to allow a medical team aboard, but to my knowledge he survived . There were no other " adverse incidents " and the cabin crew were friendly and helpful.

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    The pilot had a heart attack on the outward flight.....

    I'll still take my biscuits, crisps and chocolate with me, and coffee to go satchets.... you never get enough coffee on a flight so only need hot water

    I am fussy with food... I can always have Rayna standing by with an emergency KFC bucket
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
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    KLM's food's OK, on par with most of the major international airlines, nothing special, but not inedible either. I prefer the food on Emirates, but that's only because they give the impression of being a slighly classier airline and give you a nice carboard menu and better quality plates...etc. The food's probably made in the same catering warehouses all over the world anyway, so even if you think you're getting something better on a more expensive airline it's probably all the same.

  9. #9
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    BTW, have a good trip

  10. #10
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    The food on KLM doesn't float my boat.
    Cathay Pacific is pretty good. Plus their anytime snacks and drinks are great for me.

  11. #11
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    A little trick I've learned on meal selections
    If you log into the airline website and edit your booking, you can pre-select your meal. The benefit of this is that all special request meals are served first. I've also learned that by choosing a low sodium meal, you usually end up getting a decent slab of meat or fish, none of the indistinguishable chunks of whatever in a sauce or gravy. I got a lovely steak last time I flew with Royal Brunei from BSB to Manila

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    The food on KLM doesn't float my boat.
    Cathay Pacific is pretty good. Plus their anytime snacks and drinks are great for me.
    KLM & Air France are the same too, you can help yourself to Pot Noodles, biscuits, sandwiches and fruit. Air France also give you a nice welcome glass of Champagne when you board
    I flew with Cathay last time, and they were a slight disappointment. I'd heard lots of great reports about them, but didn't think they were any better than KLM or most other airlines. Emirates and RBA are still my favorites

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    A little trick I've learned on meal selections
    If you log into the airline website and edit your booking, you can pre-select your meal. The benefit of this is that all special request meals are served first. I've also learned that by choosing a low sodium meal, you usually end up getting a decent slab of meat or fish, none of the indistinguishable chunks of whatever in a sauce or gravy. I got a lovely steak last time I flew with Royal Brunei from BSB to Manila
    That's a nice tip. I'll try that. Thanks!!

  14. #14
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    I usually pre-order, been doing that for years, it also means you finish first so can go the loo before the everyone else
    Keith - Administrator

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    That's a nice tip. I'll try that. Thanks!!
    I've done that for my next flight in August too. I hope it doesn't backfire now and all I end up with is a plate of plain boiled rice or mashed potato

  16. #16
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    It's crap! don't like to mince my words
    I had some sort of bloody buffelo meat
    Best meals I had were with Singapore airlines one of the meals was a proper steak

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    I usually pre-order, been doing that for years, it also means you finish first so can go the loo before the everyone else
    thats why i always pre-order the veggy meal, get it first and then you can up first to

  18. #18
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    KLM is dutch so they are probably going to give everyone "space-cake" to keep them happy throughout the flight

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  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    KLM is dutch so they are probably going to give everyone "space-cake" to keep them happy throughout the flight
    The Dutch have some great rules. Tobacco smoking is banned in public including coffeeshops, yet you can still smoke neat weed in coffeeshops

  20. #20
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    Flown KLM a few times.

    I am not fussy, so I just guzzle everything in sight to get my moneysworth. Packaging is carefully examined for stray crumbs, and the floor is checked for any peanuts that have made a bid for freedom.

    BUT I also take 'supplies', because being the tightwad that I am, I have no intention of spending anything in the airport, or to or from it.

  21. #21
    Member kate_th's Avatar
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    qatar airways food are better....weeeeeeeee... springrollsssss

  22. #22
    Respected Member scott&ligaya's Avatar
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    damm now more people know about the pre order trick.... most airline food is very poor but edible, Just book nioght flights and enjoy the noodles and ice cream on demand.. well if you ask nice at the galley. I have been with Cathay, Singapore, Air France/KLM, Emirates and Qatar. Qatar was a pleasnt surprise.
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  23. #23
    Respected Member branno's Avatar
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    if durring your flight u become peckish.. stretch ur legs and go to the service areas and theres always drinks n sweets available too and coffee upon request...

    upon ur return tho dont buy anything from the manila terminal ie tanduay or other drinks even tho they are in a visible sealed bag... the dutch will confiscate these items if ur landing at schipol. the dutch allow you to take things out of the eu, but dont allow it to be brought in... i normally pack it with my check in luggage.

  24. #24
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    a nice cardboard menu
    ... a cardboard diet? Yeuch ... ...

  25. #25
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... can't they "fix folk up" with a staple diet instead?

  26. #26
    Member ozzmantel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Well I think it's gone downhill a bit, but it's edible, if you're not too fussy.
    Steer clear, of the 'scrambled egg' for breakfast...makes me thinking about it.

    You usually get a choice of chicken or wimdu, with rice, for your dinner, a bread roll etc. & pudding, then during the 'night', it's a cup noodle, or sandwiches (quite nice).

    You always get a packet of peanuts, shortly after take-off, which is welcome.
    Yeah it's ok really.

    Have to say KLM are very good at keeping your liquid levels up, they're around all the time with drinks.
    Well that is better than the last BA flight I took, major mistake was made at the airport and all they had with them was these bags of prezels. NOT impressed

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