, Les ... for your well-wishes. Guess, it's bound to be difficult pulling off something of that magnitude with such a HUGE membership scattered throughout the whole land - from Aberdeen in the north to Plymouth in the south - but it could maybe start a precedent for sometime in the future [with more notice,
!] on a smaller scale.
Just had a thought for the midlanders and anyone willing to pop up or down to Brum. We have had for the last 10 years a huge german market in the city for around 6 weeks before christmas, it is great afternoon/evening out and now is over 200 stalls and is now the 2nd largest outside Germany,, we could meet up at the one of the wonderful beer and sausage outlets.. yummy great weissbeir, wurst und kartoffelnsalat. A saturday afternnon/evening would be really neat
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
it just keeps getting bigger, they have added on tastes of the world with Jamacian food, Indian food and others as well, great on a really cold evening, all wrapped up outside with some nice gluhwein and a spit roast pork roll, the only thing missing last year was snow, might get some this year before xmas.. the girls would love that
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
There's an old saying ......
... yes: ... "Mighty oaks from tiny acorns grow". Take note, folks... Scott has put forward some GREAT ideas for those living in - or close to - the Midlands. PLEASE GIVE HIM YOUR SUPPORT!
Not that a HUGE German market is exactly an acorn... but if even a small group of members were to join him there, it COULD lead to further similar gatherings.
hehehehehe Ded very good... yes I guess the city could not pass up anotherchance to flash its multi cultural credentials, still the tikka in an a mini nan is well niceno harm in one or two other food choices I guess.. still even some of the stall holders are 2nd generation saur kraut and sausage eating German Turks whose parents were gastarbeiters or guest workers as they were called only one generation ago in Germany. Everywhere in Europe is now wrestling with the over immigraion issues not just here in the UK.
Oh I think i will ned to have some Erdinger tonight at the hotel and some Polish white sausage , (Well nearly German LOL)
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Oh Well never mind - sorry to hear this is now parked. Arthur/Scott thanks for trying! I know its so hard to arrange these sort of things!
If anyone does decide to do an xmas party let us know I would love to meet up with some of you!
Tone & Rina
i hope we'll be able to meet you guys someday..never lose the interest in having meetups guys!
there would always be next time
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